What minimum font size to use for menu page?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

A menu page that I created for a VCD has a smallest font size of 14 point After compressing to mpeg, the small fonts appear broken here and there. The menu page is first created with Corel Draw. Its frame size is 704x576. It is then inserted into Ulead and save as an AVI file at 352x288. Finally, it is compressed into mpeg with Broadway Pro.

Can someone tell me where I have done wrong? Is there a better way to ensure text quality for the smaller fonts especially?

-- Daniel S Lee (siangneng@sp.edu.sg), January 13, 2000


Hi Daniel

Take a look at TCS and how they do their fonts. Notice how often their typo is outlined with black to make it stand out. Notice how often the typo carries a black shadow beneath without the blurring. I think you'd get the idea.

The other mistake you have made is to use CorelDraw which is a vector program. Use a raster or paint program like Paint Shop or PhotoShop. Since you are making a menu for VCD, why use 704x576 when you intend to output them at 352x288 in Ulead. This makes the compression totally unnecessary and more guess work for your PC which translate to noise which you don't see and affects the compression to mpg later.

Another tip for you. Use fonts that are thick such as Kabel, Arial or Impact. Cursive and stylish fonts should be avoided. Thin lines can be broken up during the mpg compression process. I have used a 3-pt Kabel font for a KTV menu which I assembled with no problems.


-- NT (i1x@nightmail.com), January 13, 2000.

Thanks NT for your answer. You said "Since you are making a menu for VCD, why use 704x576 when you intend to output them at 352x288 in Ulead." Do you recommend doing this for video also. I have heard different stories. When you import video into your computer or premiere, should you import it at 352X288 or keep it at double the size before you run it through the mpeg decoder?

-- (Collebra@yahoo.com), January 13, 2000.

Thanks NT for your suggestion. I am not sure if my problem is partly due to Corel Draw apart from choice of fonts. The menu page is exported as bmp and tif first before importing into Ulead. Sorry for missing that out above.

The reason for choosing 704x576 frame size is to make it easy to work with the texts for menu options. There are 32 options apart from the Headings and etc. I remember someone has recommended this frame size for menu before.

I have also tried what Collebra wonders about leaving the size as 704x576 in Ulead before converting into mpeg. This too doesn't help.

Any other suggestions?

-- Daniel S Lee (siangneng@sp.edu.sg), January 13, 2000.

To Collebra There are a few considerations as to "what is" the correct import size of video. Don't you just love this kind of reply. Let me elaborate.

There are two school of thoughts here. 1. Bigger size = more details = better video. 2. Downsizing means compression = lost of details.

Bringing in your video at 704x576 gives you the best quality. But that's only if you are going to output to tape again. If your intended output is VCD which runs at 352x288, running the video through any NLE will cause the video to be recompressed to the smaller size.

This result in some 'stuff' being thrown out and also puts your video at risk to the introduction of 'noise' which you cannot see until after encoding to VCD (resulting in blockiness). Your PC resources are also strained with the additional burden of recompressing to the new size, handling your effects, etc.

If you import at the intended output size, your final clip will be smart rendered which saves you time. Since no recompression is done, there's no 'stuff' being thrown out and no noise to worry about.

Even if you output to 704x576 from your NLE, the VCD encoder will still have to recompress the video to 352x288 which ........ you get the picture.

I wouldn't say that this is recommended but I have been using this method with all my VCDs and I am getting very good results from a 'lousy' card.

To Daniel S Lee I assume you are using ECDC to make your VCDs since you have to run the menu image through Ulead to get a mpg file. Same principles apply as in my reply above.

I agree it's easier to work at 704x576 for text input then you change the image size to 352x288 before running it through Ulead. Try saving your image in tif or tga as they are lossless formats. If you must jpg, use the lowest setting, "12" - you can't tell the difference.

If you use WinOnCD 3.6 or 3.7 Power Edition, you can use the image as a menu without having to make it into a mpg file. You can use your preferred size of 704x576. Or 352x288 if you so desire.

You mentioned that you have 32 options on your menu, have you thought of using two submenus to hold 16 options each instead of one menu? Slightly more work but easier on the viewer.

Hope this helps.

Rgds, NT

-- NT (i1x@nightmail.com), January 13, 2000.

To NT, thanks once again for your valuable inputs. I tried nearly all that you proposed above. Below are some of the things I found:

1. There is hardly any noticeable difference in the output mpeg whether starting with a 704x576 graphic or 352x288 graphic.

2. The brokenness may be reduced by using bold text or by converting the text to curves.

3. Certain font, like Kabel, produce relatively better text in mpeg than others.

I agree with you that 32 options is too many for a menu page. The person I help to make the vcd insisted it although my advice is to have 2 or 3 menu pages.


-- Daniel S Lee (siangneng@sp.edu.sg), January 14, 2000.

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