Regarding Sanger and Shannon's Review of Y2K News : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
To the forum:I just posted the following message on the Sanger and Shannon's Review website. I want to thank the participants on this forum for all of the hard work that you did, as it was an incredible resource for me. I started out here, and would not have been able to do it without this place.
I was kind of quiet here for the past six months (although I did use a couple of "handles,") but the forum has been a day to day part of my life. Now, however, for various reasons, it's time to limit my participation in the "Y2K community."
To all of the "virtual" friends that I've made here, I want to say "so long" and definitely keep in touch!!
Dear friends and supporters of the Review,
It looks as if the time to end the current run of this website has come for me. While part of me would like to continue to track various aspects of the fallout (or lack thereof) of Y2K into the future, a few practical considerations have led me to decide to stop now. First, there is the obvious fact that the global infrastructure held up, and the "glitches" that are showing up and being reported are not causing major damage (yet?). Fortunately, this makes the issue much less interesting for most people.
Second, this project has been a lot of work, and was never personally profitable. I never intended for it to be, so I have not been disappointed! I did this because I believed it was important. I remember several years ago, the company that I worked for was hired to do a large equipment inventory project for a telecom. It was during the Gulf War. One of the members of our inventory team listened to news reports on his walkman all day while filling out inventory sheets. (It was very tedious work!) I asked him why he spent so much time following the news of the war, and I'll never forget his response. (To paraphrase) When an historical event is taking place, you have the choice of simply not letting it be a part of your experience, or you can participate in the event. If the only way that you can participate is by understanding the event and helping others to understand it, you are participating, even if only in a small way. That is how I've felt about my participation in this latest historical event, and I am proud of the work that I have done.
Larry Sanger has made it clear that he is willing and able to keep the Review going on a part time basis, for another month or so, if some kind contributor or advertiser would like to sponsor his work. Bear in mind that traffic is likely to drop off, unless there are some dramatic happenings. We have discussed evolving this project into a larger Review of the News, but that is not likely to happen soon, if ever. Larry can be reached at So, do check back here occasionally, there may be updates!
In the meantime, I will also need to do some other kind of work to support myself. My preference is to not go back to the world of doing Mac-centric techie/consulting work, which is my background. Therefore, any ideas for part-time, internet based work would be greatly appreciated!
The reason I'm bowing out at this juncture is personal, and I don't mind sharing. This weekend, within hours of each other, both of my darling old grandmothers passed away. Flora was 95 years old, and lived in Reno. My mother flew out to be with her, and to let her know that it was OK to go, which she did while my mother was holding her hand. Ruth was 89 years old, and lived in San Francisco. She held on to her independence with an Irish feistiness, and asked that her ashes be spread in the San Francisco Bay, which was always a part of her life. Family members are flying out west shortly to take care of these two ladies. I'm going to make a point of not turning on a computer for a week!
When I get back home next week, it will be time for me to move on to the next thing! The Y2K issue has brought several of my interests back into focus. I realize that few readers know this about me, but in the past I was involved in two "Intentional Communities." (Sometimes referred to as "Hippie Communes.") I lived in each, one in San Francisco, one in New York, for four years. Thinking about Y2K led me to think about the larger issues that need to be addressed in the world, if we are to survive and thrive as a civilization into and beyond the 21st century. Intentional community is one of many ways that people who are concerned about environmental and social issues, for instance, can turn that concern into practical, small-scale solutions.
In the past few months, I have become involved with some kind and gentle people on an organic farm in northwest New Jersey, not far from where I grew up. They are interested in evolving their farm and resources into something a bit larger and more profitable, with the intention of using it to foster community. They want to design a website to sell pottery and wood products and various works of art made by people in their social circle. They want to offer more in the way of nature walks and educational programs in the adjacent state forest. There is room to conduct workshops and retreats of various kinds, an hour from Manhattan. It is my intention to use my skills and experience to help build the various parts of this business and network with others who are working towards the same goal of fostering community. My concern about the implications of Y2K, and many of the things that I have learned as a result of tracking it, are part of the impetus for me wanting to go this route.
In closing, I would like to thank everyone for your support, and for all of the kind, interesting and even whacky e-mail that I've received. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next few months, but the urgency is gone (thankfully). Don't hesitate to check in once in a while! And, of course, I wish you all the best...
Patrick Shannon
-- Patrick Shannon (, January 11, 2000
Patrick, it's been my good fortune to have known you through this forum. I truly appreciate all of the work you did on Sanger's Review; I would imagine that your attention to detail helped a great many more people than you will ever realize gain a better insight into what, indeed, was/is a historical moment.I hope many good things come your way and that you find fulfillment in whatever pursuits you follow.
May the sun shine sweetly on your face and the wind always be at your back.
Thanks for everything!
-- Wilferd (, January 11, 2000.
Pat -- You're one of the good guys. Thanks for your yeoman efforts for us all! Drop me a line, have something Internet-ish and writing- like to discuss with you. Includes actual renumeration, too.
-- BigDog (, January 11, 2000.
Patrick.Many future blessings to you and both your grandmothers.
Thanks for all you added to the Y2K conversations, here and elsewhere... seen and unseen.
Somehow, I suspect many of us, will move onto the sustainability side of life. Part of Y2K "lessons learned."
-- Diane J. Squire (, January 11, 2000.
Patrick: kudos from another Y2K infodrone. Ya did good.-s-
-- Scott Johnson (, January 11, 2000.
Hopefully BD's project will not only renumber you (pick your number early and STICK to it ;-) ) but remunerate you as well.As I said privately, may your spirit travel with God's protection and help, but may it always come home.
SYOTOS [of whatever this year brings]
Chuck (Rienzo), a Night Driver
-- Chuck, a night driver (, January 11, 2000.
Patrick,You will surely be missed around here. God Bless and Godspeed...
-- Roland (, January 11, 2000.
Patrick, I know you've already been changed by the deaths of both your grandmothers. Your new task will change you some more, all for the good. I wish you well in your new direction. It fits in so well with what many of us believe ought to be a big part of our future lives--great care of our remaining environment. You'll still have a computer, therefore no excuse for not checking in now and again! Don't become a stranger.
-- Old Git (, January 11, 2000.
Patrick...Thanks you so much for all you have done. Good luck to you.
-- Uncle Bob (UNCLB0B@AOL.COM), January 11, 2000.
Patrick: Thank you for all your hard work. Sorry to learn of your losses. You have contributed to the free flow of information and I hope something good comes your way.
-- Ruth the MoabP (, January 11, 2000.
Oh and BTW Patrick, if you should happen to stumble into TWO of those part time Internet based opportunities...........Chuck
-- Chuck, a night driver (, January 11, 2000.
Patrick,Thank you for the many hours you put in at the keyboard. Your karmic toteboard is weighing heavily toward the positive side due in no small part to your unceasing service to others!
Our get together at McSorley's was one of the highlights of this whole Y2K experience for me. I truly wish the night would have gone on forever.
Peace to you & yours,
-- Bingo1 (, January 11, 2000.
Patrick,There is nothing like the loss of a loved one to jog a life into perspective and bring reality into check. In your current situation I can only suspect that this gift of life, it's joys and sorrows, has seldom seemed quite so clear and focused.
My friend, I wish you well now and always and you and your family are in my thoughts.
Warmest regards,
-- Mike Taylor (, January 11, 2000.
Patrick, Another thumbs up on that night at McSorleys. Codolences at your personal losses. Keep fighting the good fight, guy.
-- Mara (, January 11, 2000.