Brinson Railway Co. 1906-1914 : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Greetings, I am trying locate as much information, as possible, about the Brinson Railway Company (1906-1914). Anything you might want to contribute would be appreciated. Books to read, web sites, stocks, maps, schedules, displays, photos, locations of equipment or structures, mementos, anything about the Brinson. Mr. Tuten mailed me a letter, and it was GREATLY appreciated, but all it really did was fuel the fire. I have recently learned that the family history involved owning the Brinson (be it a couple of generations back) and I am trying to develop as much as I can. I am new to Railroading History, so please don't assume I know anything (it seems I get better responses when I explain that I don't know a damn thing about railroading history). Thank you all, in advance, for your kind responses.

David B. Brinson 937 Bowing Lane Rockledge, FL 32955

-- David B. Brinson (, January 11, 2000

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