My VCD is taking jerks while playing : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I have Creative CD-Rom on win-95 which is taking jerks while playing any VCD. Howerver, on the same PC I have WinNT4.0 where is works fine. When I play video song, stored on my hard-disk, it plays fine. What I have noticed while playing VCD, hard-disk light shows reading/writing on it constantly.If any one of you have faced this problem please let me know.
-- Irfan Ullah Khan (, January 11, 2000
-- mehmet sertbas (, January 11, 2000.
i dont have an answer, but i have the same problem.. please let me know if you come across a solution. . the drive should be plenty fast enough to have smooth vcd playback!
-- james (, June 12, 2002.
make the cd drive as secondary master means use a different cable for hard disk and cdrom drive .
-- mukesh sethi (, September 09, 2002.