software is believed to have caused widespread phone problems in Australia : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
ABC news Australia reports that software is believed to have caused widespread phone problems Telstra says it believes a software problem is responsible for problems in accessing the South Australian phone network today.Link to story:
-- Carl Jenkins (, January 10, 2000
The same thing happened to me last week. No matter who I called, I got an engaged signal and if I tried to call my own phone from my mobile, it sounded like it was ringing on the phone but the phone never actually rang.I called to report the problem and was told that all of Queensland was out (I live in NSW, but near the QLD border) and that it was a computer problem - that the system had "fallen over". Never heard that term before - if anyone knows what it's about, please let me know.
Anyway, it lasted for several hours but it was never reported in the media.
-- Meryl Dorey (, January 10, 2000.
Sounds somewhat similiar to the GICC "Ft. Meyers Phone Down Since Last Night" posting
-- Jeanette Thomas (, January 11, 2000.