Video CD 3.0 : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

More recent models of vcd players claim they are VCD 3.0 compatible. What does this mean precisely? How does VCD 3.0 differ from VCD 2.0. Someone I spoke to said it is merely a buit-in feature of the player and does not depend on authoring software at all. But EnReach Technology, on their web, says their I-Author is the "Only tool available supporting authoring for the new VCD 3.0 interactive format". Can someone help to clear the confusion? Thanks in advance.

-- Daniel S Lee (, January 10, 2000


First of all, when you say "most recent models of VCD players claim they are VCD 3.0 compatible", do you mean Asian VCD players?

VCD 3.0 differs from VCD 2.0 simply because VCD 3.0 can have html hyperlinks and animated menus...other than that, same specs as version 2.0

It is true that EnReach's I-Author is pretty much the only program to create SuperVCD and Video CD 3.0 (the delux version only) discs (as far as I know, the only english program to do so).

too bad that this program was not created in the glory days of VCD, otherwise, DVD players in the USA would have VCD 3.0 compatibility (yet I still don't know if a USA DVD player that supports VCD playing can play VCD 3.0 discs since I have not seen a VCD 3.0 disc before).

One of these days, I will create a VCD 3.0 disc and try to play it in my DVD player

-- MrVCD (the VCD creation master) (, January 11, 2000.


Wish you can share your knowledge and experience in this forum when you succeed in creating a vcd 3.0 cd.

-- Daniel S Lee (, January 14, 2000.

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