TGXMAME Administration Question : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

I replied to the Email Addy thread that might not have been a more noticable place to put this, so here's a new question for yah. About the TGMAME submital email address:

Will mark only look at submitals that are close to the world record scores? Or is this a place where everyone can "test" to see if they have recorded a tgmame recording properly, i.e. correct frame rate and such?

Since the frame rate is encrypted (all-beit slopily! tg4mame please!), users won't know if their frame rate is acceptable (between 9X-100%) unless they have the decrypter, or someone is willing to be a decrypter authority...

Was it implied that tgmame has this ability that you can see the "recorded" frame rate when you play it back? I haven't found this to be true and for security reasons this feature shouldn't exist on a per frame basis; so i think a test submital service or additional feature of tgmame should be in place to feedback the "Average" framerate of a recording to users.

-- Chad (, January 09, 2000


A terse reply from the busy Mark states "players will have to look at the F11 screen" I.e. I think he means there won't be a decryption available via program OR authority (except when you are competing in a contest where the judges have the decryption algorithm.) And you'll have to assume that the frame rate you see while playing is going to be the frame rate recorded.

-- Chad (, January 11, 2000.

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