Ft. Meyers Phone Down Since Last Night

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

Does anyone have news on telecommmunications glitches in the Ft. Meyers,Florida area? Since last night I have been unsuccessfully trying to reach a relative I speak with almost daily (941-690 exchange). I have tried to track down the local Ft. Meyers telephone company to get a determination on the problem - no answer at the only number I could find after searching for over an hour and speaking with a half dozen different operators. It is a split area code location 941 or 813. We tried both codes unsuccessfully. All the non local operators can tell me is there is either a technical problem (941) or the circuits are busy (813). BTW, I have never had to use the 813 before.

-- Jeanette Thomas (ou_2000@berkshire.net), January 08, 2000


Just found out the problem is not in Ft. Meyers. They can call me, but I cannot call them from Massachusetts. Don't know why yet. I'm working on it.

-- Jeanette Thomas (ou_2000@berkshire.net), January 08, 2000.

I have now learned the problem is in Ft. Meyers. My long distance MCI operator said she has had more reports than she can count coming in on this area code. Apparently the Ft. Meyers local phone company has an unspecified problem with incoming long distance calls. Outgoing long distance is okay.

-- Jeanette Thomas (ou_2000@berkshire.net), January 08, 2000.

Sunday morning 9:30 AM - I still cannot get through to this Ft. Meyers telephone number.

-- Jeanette Thomas (ou_2000@berkshire.net), January 09, 2000.

Monday Evening 1-10-99: After getting an all circuits are busy signal on my first try (note: This was different. Up to this point I had been getting a message that the call could not be completed as dialed), I finally (3 days later)got through to my sister's telephone number in Ft. Meyers. She told me Sprint is her local and long distance carrier. She was told by a Sprint operator that they had lost her account which was established in November 1999 and that was why she has been experiencing problems. However, she was told that earlier in the day and was still experiencing problems dialing out both long distance and locally.

-- Jeanette Thomas (ou_2000@berkshire.net), January 11, 2000.

What does her long distance carrier have to do with you calling her? I thought local phone service handled that, or your long distance carrier. Sounds to me like it's the bug that never was.

-- Cyndi Crowder (cyncrowder@aol.com), January 12, 2000.

My long distance carrier MCI said it was a problem with the Ft. Meyers local carrier. The Ft. Meyer's local and long distance carrier is the same company, Sprint. There were no problems with service prior to the rollover. All problems began immediately after the rollover and persisted for over a week. I have not checked lately on the status.

-- Jeanette Thomas (ou_2000@berkshire.net), January 13, 2000.

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