When was the last time you played hooky?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Do you ever just call in sick, or take a day off on the spur of the moment? When was the last time you did so, and what did you do?

Actually, my whole life is spent playing hooky, with random interludes of work. But I don't think there's anything wrong with that. (Although my boss might disagree.)

-- Anonymous, January 08, 2000


Last time I played hooky was yesterday. What did I do? Went for a long walk, read, meditated.

-- Anonymous, January 08, 2000

A week ago. And I'm planning to do it again this week, on Thursday. The worst part is that I'm doing it so I can drive to another state for a job interview.

Yeah, I suck. Unless you were thinking of offering me a job. In that case, I'm just kidding.

-- Anonymous, January 08, 2000

I rarely take "mental health days" from work. The last time I did was about eight years ago, when Pat and I were first going together and we both took the day off. I can't remember what we did. Probably just hung out, went to thrift stores, etc.

Actually a lot of my time at work is spent playing hookey while I cruise the internet, play games, etc. I haven't gotten badly caught in a long time.

Even at home I play hookey - I have things I should do but I go online or start playing solitaire. Right now I'm online because I need to find Elmo Zumwalt's age when he died to complete my dead pool statistics for 1999, but I just had to come over here first.

-- Anonymous, January 08, 2000

the friday last term when i decided merely not to go to any of my classes. i mean, i missed one for a field trip, and decided the other two were pointless because i didn't really want to go and i wouldn't get anything out of them anyway.

i was a little too blatant about one, though - i missed my shakespeare class but found my prof immediately after it ended to turn in a paper. (doh.)

-- Anonymous, January 08, 2000

I had a day's work out of the office reviewing papers in Roanoke, Virginia, that I stretched into two. The airlines helped out by stranding me in Dulles Airport for 4 hours, so I arrived at about 2:00 p.m. and then I made sure I didn't finish by the time the Roanoke lawyer's office closed at 6. Sort of dull stuff, but my child was teething that week, and a night in a hotel where I could turn the air conditioning on high and sleep without being awakened twice was worth any amount of subterfuge.

-- Anonymous, January 08, 2000

It would have been sometime last semester, when I decided to sleep in instead of going to archery. Nothing entertaining.

-- Anonymous, January 09, 2000

Thursday I was planning on doing a major overhaul to my archives, and the argument I'd gotten in at work gave the perfect excuse for me to call in (I did NOT Want to deal with those people), but when I called in, they told me another person called in, and so I went in anyway. That sucked. I was quite unhappy. But oh well, at least I showed them that I'm more reliable and dependable than her.

Like there was ever any doubt about that. (=

-- Anonymous, January 09, 2000

I never take a "mental health" day and I am rarely sick so my sick days don't get used. However, I have 22 days vacation per year plus 5 extra days at Christmas (besides the holidays) and 2 extra days during Spring Break plus the whole university goes to a state park for a "get-a-way day in October. Thus, I don't think I should play hookey. Lest you gag at this, I do read Bad Hair Days and The Nid on work time. :)

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2000

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