PDR-M4 gives blurry image in any modes of 800x600

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread


I wonder does this happen to other owner of PDR-M4??

Kind of disappointed with that mode, thus end up always taking 1600x1200, which means I need a bigger storage :(

Anyone got any "fix" for that??


later, Edward

-- Edward Teong (et@post1.com), January 07, 2000


Yes, we noted that on our picture analysis page for the M4: It and the M5 don't take sharp pictures in the 800x600 mode: As you've discovered, you're better off shooting in a low-quality setting at the 1600x1200 size, and shrinking the pictures down after the fact. This is a phenomena we've seen on several digicams, that's particuarly evident on the M4 and M5.

-- Dave Etchells (web@imaging-resource.com), January 10, 2000.

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