Ladies and Gentlemen: I now declare games of post Y2K era offcially open. : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

From yesterday:


"Local community in Old Saybrook, CT suffered a major power spike Monday morning. TV's, computers, boilers, telephones... were blown out in numerous homes. The residents want to know - WHO'S GONNA PAY???!!!"

My Reply:

I now declare games of post Y2K era officially open. Gentleman take your positions. Coming in from your left expert programmer witnesses at the insurance companies and coming in from your right the expert programmers at the y2k compliant corporations, and in the middle, everybody else.

On your marks, get set, go...

And as was replied by Total Doomer.

Great idea! Expert testimony, insider information, subpoenaed confidential NERC memos...better than the next round of Olympic games!

Folks this is where the action is going to be I believe. Comments?

-- Interested Spectator (is@the_ring.side), January 06, 2000


Geez, too much electricity, not enough electricity, spoiled Americans! They should make up their minds what they want.

-- Simpleminded (nope@wont.never), January 06, 2000.

Sounds like a show I can truly ride out.

Just a thought, since I,m in the middle.

-- Tommy Rogers (Been there@Just a, January 06, 2000.

Howdy, folks!

In an earlier post, I said something along the lines of Y2K hiding. That is, people are gonna line up and say,

"I'm not Y2K compliant! What'cha gonna do about it; sue? You can't! The Feds have got me covered! WooHoo! Gawd Bless America!"

I think we may start seeing A LOT more reports of Y2K bugs, regardless of wether or not they truly are Y2K related. People tend to be allergic to lawsuits; "Y2K Bug ate my company" may be the antihistamine of choice for many.

Peace, Y'all,


-- Shimoda (, January 06, 2000.

"The world is your exercise book, the pages on which you do your sums. It is not reality, although you can express reality there if you wish. You are also free to write nonsense, or lies, or to tear the pages". ~Richard Bach

Hey Don...great handbook. =)

-- Dee (, January 06, 2000.

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