Can anyone mail me one or more pictures taken with a Mustek MDC-800 kamera? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I'm thinking about buying the mustek mdc-800 digital camera. This is my first digital camera so I think I don't need a lot of pixels to begin with. If anybody could give me his/her impression about this I would appreciate it Thanks Francisco

-- Francisco Solesio (, January 05, 2000


I received one of these for Christmas. It is not an overall BAD camera and does have some unique utilities that other cameras of this range don't have, but if I were to spend money on a camera I would say that for about the same price you can get the Olympus 340R camera which is higher resolution and rated very highly among users as well as independent researchers. The images from the Mustek camera were okay, but poor if there is any movement in them. Overall the images seemed to have a fuzz to them.

The Mustek cameras have not gained that much popularity yet, but Olympus 340R or Canon A50 are highly rated.

I have returned the Mustek camera from the holidays and hope to get one of the others from above some time soon....

-- M. Haney (, January 25, 2000.

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