Family Borzel is back--Happy New Year to TB2000! : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

A warm and heartfelt "Happy New Year" to all our friends here!

We are back (at work) from our weekend woods retreat and very happy with the turn of events! I feel better knowing you all are well...

To say that I'm dumbfounded would be an understatement. To think that billions were invested and countless hours spent researching and preparing for Y2K...not just by me and you, but by most every government and major business around the globe...for an APPARENT misfire! HA!

There remain a few small unsettling thoughts: how come the mainstream media says words to the effect of "all is well" or "not much happened" when nobody has researched the cause of what DID happen? On top of this I read John Whitley's timely post of the 02 Jan/00 Washington Post John Hamre article (see down near the bottom...)

-If everything is so fine, why is gov't controlling the release of info? -If Y2K really was serious, why are so few impacts reported? -If Y2K really wasn't serious, why was so much money spent?

Gary North put the final question best:

"Why were there no glitches elsewhere, where there were no major y2k expenditures?"

I request your best thoughts please! Constructive input only (for the pollies and trolls...)

-- (, January 04, 2000


This question is popping up in many different places. I've seen it here, I've seen it on mainsream TV, I've seen it on Debunkers (I asked it). I havn't seen a good answer anywhere.

-- Lars (, January 04, 2000.

How is North defining glitches, though? When phrased that way, it looks like he has a point. But then turn it around to (to cite one example) how Dale Way interprets it and his statements indicate that no matter where it was more a question of power riding things out while software suffers, which if anything seems to be mostly the case so far. Obviously that's not the only way to look at it, but it seems that the question itself needs to be looked as well as the possible answer.

-- Ned Raggett (, January 04, 2000.

I think I know the answer all those "supposed" billions are salted away in secret bank accounts the world over. We were hyped to think there would be a problem so that the support would be given to withdraw those billions, with little friction. They even allow a few glitches to occur to make it seem more real. There was a problem but the sligh minds of the world figured a way to soak you and I for those billions. They are safely salted away never to be seen again. Otherwise, howcome all those nations that spent little or nothing on this Y2K thing came out smelling like a rose, the same as the good old USof A? When all this wealth is on the table, the vermon become very wise. I will never believe anything else, I know the minds of those who worship wealth too well. Nothing is too great or small to sacrifice for the wealth whether it be one individual or a nation.

-- Notforlong (, January 04, 2000.

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