the best macro in the under 400.00, : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I need a macro in the low end for pics of watches. for web use. I saw the Fuji 1200 anything I can compare it with?

-- Peter Whittle (, January 04, 2000


I have used the MX-1200 camera and it has decent image quality for the price ($220.00). The only thing that I have to warn you about on that camera is that I have seen the corners of pictures out of focus more than once. If you are taking macro pictures, that might not be the best tool for the job. I own an Olympus D340R and it has a very versatile macro mode. The autofocus is accurate to 4 inches. Also, the flash throttles down great for macro shots. You can find this camera for around $300.00 at Best Buy or a little less on the web. Who knows? You might end up using the camera for more than macro shots of watches - it has great image quality.. Good Luck. PS- the thing is a miser on batteries as far as digital cameras go, also.


-- John Freeman (, January 05, 2000.

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