Spanish nuclear reactors glitch : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread


Y2K Bites Spanish Nuclear Reactors By David McGuire, Newsbytes. January 04, 2000 Spanish officials have confirmed that two of that nation's nine nuclear reactors are experiencing Y2K-related glitches, Senate Y2K Committee staffer Don Meyer told Newsbytes earlier tonight. While there is little information available about the scope of the reactor glitches, the safety systems at those plants have not been damaged, Meyer said. In a separate development, Malaysia is reporting Y2K-related failures to some medical equipment, including defibrillators and heart monitors, Meyer said. But what has been remarkable about the rollover thus far has been what hasn't happened, Meyer said. "Everyone was just guessing, but we thought we had made a fairly educated guess that we were going to see failures in Russia and failures in Italy and failures in other countries" that had not been aggressive about Y2K remediation, Meyer said. The Senate Y2K Committee expected some of those failures to be both widespread and disastrous, he added. "We are very pleasantly surprised that we have not" seen such major infrastructure failures thus far, Meyer said. "It's really nice to see the date change across the world without anything catastrophic happening (and) it's somewhat unexpected." But Meyer said it is far too early to declare victory in the fight against the Millennium Bug. Many experts are predicting that the real test will come Monday, when businesses across the country turn on their office systems. As to the question of whether the US spent too much time and effort on Y2K fixes in light of the apparently successful transitions of less diligent nations, Meyer said he is glad that the United States did everything it could to avert what most experts believed was a potentially debilitating problem. Reported by

-- hzlz (, January 04, 2000


Read my reply to post "TOO SIMPLE AN ANOLOGY" I think you will see why there are little or no glitches in the third world nations, or here. I think personally I have hit the nail on the head. Notforlong Fsur439

-- Notforlong (, January 04, 2000.

The Y2K glitches at the nuclear plants are VERY MINOR, and do not in ANY WAY threaten anyone in any way, shape or form. There is absolutely no danger whatsoever. Minor, minor, very minor.

-- King of Spain (royal_secluded_bunker@aol.cum), January 04, 2000.

KOS to you slurrywrestle?

-- SH (, January 04, 2000.

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