Can anyone read spanish? If so, please translate and summarize this article. : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread


The Associated Press 1/3/00 6:04 PM

Por Bruce Stanley

LONDRES, 3 (AP) -- Que sus aviones siguieran volando y siendo puntuales al comienzo del nuevo a Ino fue satisfacci Don suficiente para Virgin Atlantic, que se gast Do 20 millones de d Dolares para eliminar la falla del milenio de sus computadoras.

Pero la aerol D inea tambi Den obtuvo un beneficio inesperado de la correcci Don del llamado problema Y2K: La r Dapida sustituci Don de su heterog Deneo sistema inform Datico por una red unificada y m Das eficiente.

Virgin Atlantic no fue la Dunica empresa que recibi Do un evidente beneficio adicional de la inusitada atenci Don a sus sistemas inform Daticos.

El susto provocado por el Y2K ha instado a compa In D ias telef Donicas, bancos, fabricantes y otras empresas alrededor del mundo a modernizar sus ordenadores para que puedan utilizarlos con mayor eficiencia y a menor costo. Esta consecuencia indirecta de la falla del milenio sirve de contrapeso a la inquietud de que las empresas pueden haber gastado demasiado dinero corrigiendo un problema que caus Do una cantidad de desperfectos sumamente menor a lo esperado.

"La amenaza del Y2K nos dio a nosotros y nuestros abastecedores, un enfoque y una disciplina y algo m Das de est D imulo para obrar los cambios y modernizaciones que sab D iamos era necesario efectuar de todos modos", dijo un vocero de Virgin Atlantic, Paul Moore.

Muchas de las mejoras debidas al Y2K han constado de la sustituci Don de programas y claves inform Daticos anticuados o superfluos, y de la uniformidad del software de las empresas de un departamento a otro.

"Hemos tenido la oportunidad de desechar mucho software redundante", dijo un vocero de British Energy PLC, Bob Fenton.

British Energy, la mayor compa In D ia de generaci Don electronuclear de Gran Breta Ina, gast Do unos 48 millones de d Dolares inspeccionando sus ordenadores y corrigiendo defectos. La gesti Don, que Fenton semej Do a una auditor D ia, ya est Da dando beneficios. La empresa utiliza ahora un programa Dunico de contabilizaci Don electr Donica en vez de los tres que usaba.

Para la sociedad an Donima Honeywell-Measurex, de Cupertino, California, el Y2K present Do una oportunidad de realizar un inventario completo de toda su red inform Datica.

"En el transcurso de ello, retiramos en resumidas cuentas todos los programas m Das viejos de nuestra computadora central", dijo Rich Walsh, director de tecnolog D ia inform Datica para la empresa, la cual construye sistemas de comprobaci Don de calidad para la industria del papel. Algunos de estos programas llevaban instalados 15 a Inos o m Das, dijo Walsh.

-- Vern (, January 04, 2000


Check out the following web page - it helps with foreign language translations:

-- mmmm (, January 04, 2000.

I presume the capital D's are supposed to be accent marks and the I's are tildas. Basically the message says that several companies in Great Britain spent a lot of money on the Y2K fix and were only hoping to have no problems on Jan 1. However an unexpected benefit is that their computer systems have all been updated allowing them to be more productive and efficient.

-- Padre (, January 04, 2000.

LONDON, 3 (AP) -- That their airplanes continued flying and being precise in the beginning of the new one to Ino sufficient Don for Virgin Atlantic was satisfacci, that gast Do 20 million d Dolares to eliminate the fault of the millenium of its computers.

But aerol D inea tambi Den obtained an unexpected benefit of correcci Don of the call problem Y2K: The r Dapida sustituci Don of his heterog Deneo system inform Datico by efficient a unified network and m DAS.

Virgin Atlantic was not the Dunica company that recibi Do an evident additional benefit of unusual atenci Don to its systems inform Daticos.

The scare caused by the Y2K has urged to compa In D ias telef Donicas, banks, manufacturers and other companies around the world to modernize its computers so that they can use them with greater efficiency and to smaller cost. This consequence indirect of the fault of the millenium serves as counterbalance the restlessness of which the companies can have spent too much money correcting a problem that caus Do an extremely smaller amount of flaws to the awaited thing.

" the threat of the Y2K gave us and our suppliers us, an approach and a discipline and something m DAS of est D imulo to build the iamos changes and modernizations that sab D was necessary to carry out anyway ", a spokesman of Virgin Atlantic said, Paul Moore.

Many of the improvements due to the Y2K have consisted of sustituci old fashioned or superfluous Don of programs and keys inform Daticos, and of the uniformity of the software of the companies from a department to another one.

" we have had the opportunity to reject much redundante software ", said a spokesman of British Energy PLC, Bob Fenton.

British Energy, greater compa In D ia of generaci Don to electronuclear of Great Breta Ina, gast Do about 48 million d Dolares inspecting its computers and correcting defects. Gesti Don, that Fenton semej Do to an auditor D ia, est Da already giving benefits. The company uses a Dunico program now of contabilizaci Don electr Donica instead of the three that used.

For the society an Donima Honeywell-Measurex, of Cupertino, California, the Y2K present Do an opportunity to make a complete inventory of all its network inform Datica.

" In the course of it, we retired all old programs m DAS of our central computer in short ", said to Rich Walsh, director of tecnolog D ia inform Datica for the company, which constructs to systems of comprobaci Don of quality for the industry of the paper. Some of these programs took installed 15 to Inos or m DAS, said Walsh.

-- Senor Gomez (adios@amigos.tacobell), January 04, 2000.

Great! Now can anyone translate this reply?

-- I (don@t.getit), January 04, 2000.

You ungrateful Americanos don't appreeciate nothing that we do for you gringo sons of beeches! Don't ever come to Mayheeeco or we'll shoot you steeenking peeegs!

-- Senor Gomez (kiss@my.burro), January 04, 2000.

LOL Perhaps the Y2K bug has bitten your translating device. Try setting the date to 1812 (!) and running it through again.

-- I still (don@t.getit), January 04, 2000.

Sorry, my Italian's a bit rusty.

-- numnuts (polly@put.the.kettle.on), January 04, 2000.

It's a recipe for chalupas.

-- me (I@i.i), January 04, 2000.


Ill have a chicken sandwich with a live chicken.

-- Frank Lee (I dont give a damn) (, January 04, 2000.

Damn it, keep this frigging gibberish off the forum!!!! If it ain't in American, don't post it!!!!! Gawd.

-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), January 04, 2000.

Vern, it fairly difficult to understand without the hand jesticulations that typically go with these non-English patois

-- numnuts (polly@put.the.kettle.on), January 04, 2000.

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