To Pollys and Doomers alike--Nov. 9,th --the answer was given : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Black or white in a greyish hued world,

Understandable given the polarities of our existence. On Nov. 9,1999 Mr. Dale Way was kind enough to come on the forum and answer questions. I'm not sure most wanted to hear his answers given the precictions most had given at that time, but if you can go back to that thread you will find he pretty much called it 100%. That is why the Polly chatter should desist for now: -snip-

"I know it is very human to ask that the most complex situation in history be boiled down to one word: optimism or pesimism. Talk about collapsing! I am optimistic about the physical/process control system infrastructure in and of itself. I am less optimistic about the support and maintanence systems that support those control systems, but sit generally optimistic. I am very much less optimistic about the business/accounting/administrative systems that support the economic functions of almost all organizations on the planet. There will be many system failures there. But few if any single one of these will have a direct and catastrosphic effect on the outside world. But there will be many in many different organizations. Many will be handled or compensated for within those organizations and will not be visible to the outside world. Some might get out and impact, though not fatally, other organizations or their functions. If there are enough of them and thry last long enough, we will see visible impacts. mostly in the area of delays and slowdowns, not general collaspes. This will bring economic stress to many organizations. Yet will ultimately be like being pecked by ducks--each peck annoying, troublesome and even damging to some level. The question is ,will there be so many that they bleed us into serious damage. I do not know, but I am an optimistic person." -End-

Now if you are a polly or a doomer you will immediately recognize that a duck peck is not an immediate catastrohy. Sorry to doomers and pollys alike. This looks like it will be a painful annoying long term problem with the potential for long term damage. my predictions of Bank runs,public panic etc. was and is based on any derogatory info. getting out. The press has done a masterful job of passifying pollys and angering doomers (they have no choice).

I recommend everyone re-read Mr. Ways Answers that day. It is indeed insightful in what to expect.

"question is will there be so many that they bleed us into serious damage"??? Patience and vigilance to all: especially the business people on this forum.

-- d......... (, January 02, 2000


Well -- this is exactly the "pull back and claim I never said it" response I expected from TEOTWAWKI Loons. From this point on you'll all make statements that are neither negative nor positive -- provable nor disprovable.

You folks will stand with one foot firmly on each side of the situation so you know which way to jump when the answer is evident.

I have more respect for the Loon who *still* proclaims from the rooftops that not only is the end coming, the end is here now -- the doomers that still have their family down in the bunker eating tuna and pickled herring.

You wishy-washy side jumping no-opinion half-wits are spineless, opinionless sheeple. Go have a MRE and make an appointment with your psychologist -- you'll need some reassurance to alleviate the suicidal thoughts.

-- The King (, January 02, 2000.

but what do you REALLY think mr. King...? ;)

Unfortunately, there is no predicting the outcome yet so the rational have no choice but to stand on the fence and wait to decide which way to jump. One should never burn bridges, prior to crossing them. -k-

-- KatInSeattle (, January 02, 2000.



""I have more respect for the Loon who *still* proclaims from the rooftops that not only is the end coming, the end is here now -- the doomers that still have their family down in the bunker eating tuna and pickled herring.

You wishy-washy side jumping no-opinion half-wits are spineless, opinionless sheeple. ""

Actually king if you must know we hade Hamburgers fried and french fries. Not nearly as many as you had when you fell bloated to the ground. Get your facts straight you nefarious soul. As far as wishy washy jumping half wits spineless. I can give you may address and phone number the email is mine. and you and I can get together for some spineless lovin:

-- d........... (, January 02, 2000.

Well I have gotten a couple of duck pecks. My husband just called from out of state and couldn't get through with the calling card. He then called collect and no operator even asked if I would accept the call. Hope it was free we talked for a while!

I also have a problem with my monthly payment for Michigan Blue Cross Blue Shield. I called last month on an over billing and they said it would be credited to this months bill. Well I got this months bill and it is still wrong. I called Thursday at 2:00 P.M. and they are closed till Tuesday. They sure get a nice vacation. I'm sure I'll have fun trying to get to talk to a real person on Tuesday. It's hell trying to get through to them on a good day. Are these glitches? We'll know soon enough I guess.

-- Lucy (, January 02, 2000.

To all but The King:

The King appears to thrive on personal attacks. People like him usually have no argument to fall back on. So let's concentrate on the serious folks.

-- eve (, January 02, 2000.

Did anyone see that movie, "The Birds"?

Just wondrin.

-- cin (, January 02, 2000.

Hey, you're all a bunch of duck peckers. I'm one too. Live and laugh.

-- nanook911 (, January 02, 2000.

And Eve these serious folks you mention would be...? ROTFLMAO

-- Look (at@the.facts), January 02, 2000.

Sounds like we could be facing "death from a thousand bumps-in-the- road".

I believe that the relief we feel knowing that we will survive will be replaced by the realization that we have a long way to go to regain our health.

-- Michael (, January 02, 2000.


Thank you for an informed and well reasoned response. I knew I had lost the argument as soon as I read your devastating conclusion, "ROTFLMAO."

I look forward with great anticipation to further debate with you.

-- eve (, January 03, 2000.

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