the TERRORISTS are waiting for the opportune time...TOMORROW! : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

If I was a terrorist and I wanted the greatest impact from my actions I wouldn't have done anything this weekend, but instead I would strike this coming week. Why?

1. By hitting innocent people during the rollover during celebrations, they will be hitting people while celebrating a 'once in a lifetime' event; hardly something that would instill fear in people's hearts on an ongoing basis. Hitting people at work or while they are going about their regular lives will cause more fear and have a greater impact.

2. They'd be potentially hitting some of their own.

3. Security was so tight at most events they are setting themselves up to get caught; either before, during or after the attack.

4. They want to instill fear. The way to do this is by 'hitting' people at places they feel most comfortable; work, shopping, etc.

5. The enemies of terrorists are the US government and big business, not families out partying. Hitting them at work will have the greatest impact and cause the most damage - as in ... "Who is next?"....., "wher will it be?", etc.

6. Being so close to the expected 'events' will guarantee the media coverage they crave in order to deem the event a success.

7. Terrorists who have done their homework will know that this coming week; especially monday and tuesday, will be key times to cause the most confusion as we will be on 'pins and needles' waiting to see how we are able to handle the rollover with 100% of the systems working, as opposed to the small percentage this weekend.

8. It was 'expected' this weekend. Terrorists, by nature, never want to do what is expected - their actions have the greatest impact when they are not expected.

9. It is easier to get in and out during a normal business day as people are caught up in their regular affairs and are not paying attention to others as much.

10. Terrorists that have been studying and preparing for an event know the routines of police, government agencies, businesses, etc. during a normal week. In contrast, everything was different this weekend - especially during celebrations. They couldn't plan for something they knew nothing about, thereby increasing their chances of getting caught or encountering problems.


-- Mark (, January 02, 2000


And what of the 6 gadjillion computer virii that the WSJ told us was lurking around the corner?

Seems the virii are waiting as well.

-- Gordon (, January 02, 2000.

Don't give them any ideas!

-- lenny (, January 02, 2000.

This looks like a prediction. I predict it will be wrong.


-- Bob (, January 02, 2000.

I would just like to congratulate you on your insight and ability to rationalize possible terrorist startegies you listing was intelligent and concise. ALthough it tends to install terror into the uninitiatedkind of a cyber terror of sorts, especially on this forum.

-- Jaden (, January 02, 2000.

The post was not meant to be a prediction. I do not make them. I wrote this because I was wondering why we didn't hear from all of the 'thousands' of terrorist that our intelligence agencies said were lurking out there; waiting to strike the innocent this weekend. Why were apoliticians hiding out in bunkers in NY and Boston? Why did Seattle cancel their feastivities under the Space Needle? Why all the concern about terrorists, then.....nothing?

I am glad nothing happened, just wondering why and why not? Was everything (y2k concerns, terrorism) bullshit? Y2k computer concerns I do not understand, even though I believed, and still do, that it's not over based upon what some experts claim. Terrorists are people and people and human nature I understand more than machines; therefor the post.

Predictions? Not my bag, especially on my diet of crow this weekend.

However, if I was a terrorist.........

-- Mark (, January 02, 2000.

1. Most terrorist are alleged to be moslem

2. Moslems are currently celebrating Ramadan.

3. Ramadan is a religious period of fasting, praying and NON-VIOLENCE.

4. Ramadan does not end until January 6, 2000.

-- Asleep at the wheel (, January 02, 2000.

Great post, Mark.

The idea that "nobody knows" when it comes to y2k is certainly absurd. Certainly somebody in Washington knows. Certainly somebody on Wall Street knows; they're just not telling...

-- james hyde (, January 02, 2000.

Ramadan began Dec 9 and will end Jan 10. It is a time of prayer and Gaining Strength. If I were to worry, it would be mid Jan and after.

-- Linda A (, January 02, 2000.

See, this is one of this society's problems; Asleep at the Wheel says that most terrorists are alleged to be Moslems. But this is "alleged" by WHOM? Isn't it "alleged" by atheistic governments that wouldn't know The Corner Stone if they tripped over Him? Which they frequently do. Maybe Muslims are being LIED about; maybe they're nothing like the atheistic governments propagandize they are. And if they DO strike back, maybe it's just plain old self-defense, but I suppose Americans will hate them anyway. Got to have that scape-goat.

-- DB (, January 02, 2000.

Mark, are you the same guy that sells Gas Masks? Didn't you hook-up with Stan Faryna to sell supplies here last month? If not, please excuse my error. Should you be the owner of 'Gas Masks, Inc.' I find it offensive that you would be the one to stir up the terrorist issues.

-- Look (at@the.facts), January 02, 2000.

Why do people forget that terrorists strike targets of opportunity. The attacks against embassies in Africa were not necessarily the biggest phot-op. But the security in those countries were scant at best. The period after the roll-over that coincides with the end of Ramadan is a more likely time frame for any attacks. People will have dropped their guard and security won't be as active. There is also a finite amount of time that individuals can be at a heightened state of alertness. This is the reason the Secret Service Rotates the Presidents protection detail. If the police and FBI have been working over two weeks with no attacks their alertness can realistically be expected to drop.

Maybe there wasn't an real threat and this was a scam? The purpose escapes me as to the purpose to create a "terrorist threat." .Gov knows more than they are telling us (ie problems with satelites) but what is going on behind the scenes is anybody's guess.

-- Squid (, January 02, 2000.

To 'Look@the facts',

Yes I sell gas masks. Yes I worked with Stan to sell gas masks last month to members of this forum who wanted a gas mask, Potassium Iodide and many other items AT MY COST.

I sold them AT COST at a time when I could sell them all day long at a profit. I did it as a favor to Stan who asked my help and I was glad to oblige as I've grown to like and respect the people on this site. I did not do it to promote my business or for any other reason. In fact, I had to turn away many customers (who wanted masks for the rollover) in the last 2 weeks of December because of a lack of inventory. Ask some of the people who purchased them what they paid. I did it as a favor to Stan who requested I sell them (through him) to people on this forum who couldn't afford the ridiculously high price of brand new, military-type masks.

Asking me not to discuss my thoughts on terrorism at a time when it is a 'front burner' issue is the same as asking an expert on computers not to discuss Y2k issues last year. I sell to the military, police, and yes, civilians. We have twelve full time employees. We spend $25,000 per month in advertising and promotions to let Americans know where they can get LIFE SAVING products that until now have not been available to most people.

I resent your ridiculous post that I promote my ideas to increase business by discussing issues of the day on this forum. I NEVER promote my company here - NEVER! I do like to discuss issues and give my opinions on issues as do most other intelligent, interesting people.

Whether or not you resent my discussing terrorism issues on this forum means nothing to me. Wake up Mr. 'Look', the issue is not going away.

My discussing terrorism on this forum with people has nothing to do with GAS MASKS as terrorism takes hundreds of forms; bombs, fires, gunfire, knife attacks, water poisoning, computer hacking, and yes, biological and chemical attacks that can sometimes be thwarted by individuals who wear gas masks. In my post, I never mentioned gas masks or bio-chem agents. Just terrorism.

So what the hell do you resent besides intelligent discussions of the issues of the day?

Sheesh, what a bonehead statement to make. Why don't you go and resent something worthwhile, like government officials that want to take away your right to own a gun, or a government that makes you file a report when you want to take your own cash out of your own bank account or mayors that take away your right to own a gas mask to keep you in line.

Read my post again and tell me where or how it refers to gas masks, biological or chemical terrorism, my business, etc.

Wow, I'm still shaking my head. What a ridiculous statement to make!

-- Mark (, January 02, 2000.

I resent the continuing fear mongering and speculation by vendors like you with no basis in fact. And your next question is? You dummies need to clean up your last pile of s**t before spreading more.

-- Look (at@the.facts), January 02, 2000.

Why is it that people always point the finger on us "Muslims", I really feel ofendded by these words. Don't you know that 10 million of US citizens are muslims ? (non arabs mostly)

Do you know 1 out of each 5 persons in the world is Muslim ? Are you pointing on all of these people to be blood thirsty ? sigh. No body called the Oklohoma bombing Christian Terrorisim, but when it comes to Islam they must attack us. About all the terrorists bieng Muslims in the Last FBI report Domestic terrorisim from 1982-1992 says:

1% muslims Extremists.

6% Right Wing Groups

12% Anti-castro Group.

16% Jewish Groups.

23% Left wing Groups.

77% Puerto Ricans.

(Source: FBI, Terrorist Research and Analytical Section, 1995)

Now why does the media focuses on the smallest percentage ? (Hint: Who owns the media).

To know more about true Islam away from the Distortin hand of the Media go to the source :

Thank you.

-- Fahad (, January 03, 2000.

I must agree with fahad.

I recently posted a piece on terrorism which laid to rest once and for all the spectre of the Arab bogeyman.

Saddam was not gone after for a reason. He is now always available as a scapegoat whenever the USA and UK need to "protect" neighbouring countries (i.e. go in and make sure the oil keeps flowing to us...).

Same thing used to go on with Ghaddaffi.

Now we have Bin Laden - the all purpose, do it yourself, order out, cash and carry "terrorist"...

Sure there are real ones out there but read between the lines - not all is as it seems.


The biggest cabal of terrorists you should be worrying about is the illegal, unconstitutional FED.

"THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve" by Edward Griffin.

Griffin's work is mind-boggling...fiction could never be more audacious in scope than the unbridled all too real ambitions of the US Fed's objectives.

Book Review

The following is merely a review of the informative, insightful and comprehensive work. I would not pretend to critique Griffin's treatise dissecting the US Federal Reserve. In reality the review is composed of just key select passages which, hopefully, provides a very broad brush overview of Griffin's magnum opus.

All passages between quotation marks are direct excerpts from the book. The remainder are my own observations.


A Second look at the Federal Reserve

About the Cover

The book's cover bears the Great seal of the United States.

"The use of the Great seal of the United States is not without significance. At first we contemplated having an artist change the eagle into a vulture. That, we thought, would attraction and also make a statement. Upon reflection, however, we realized that the vulture is really harmless. It may be ugly, but it is a scavenger, not a killer. The eagle, on the other hand, is a predator. It is a regal creature to behold, but it is deadly to its prey. Furthermore, as it is portrayed on the dollar, it is protected by the shield of the United States government even though it is independent of it. Finally, it holds within its grasp the choice between peace and war. The parallels were too great to ignore. We decided to keep the eagle."


The work deals with the money mandarin and its abuse of hard-money or sound-money.

"Three was no doubt in my mind that the Federal Reserve is one of the most dangerous creatures ever to stalk our land. I came to recognize that I was investigating one of the greatest 'who-dunits' of history. And, to make matters worse, I discovered who did it."

The author charges into the darkness of the Dragon's lair.

"What follows, therefore, will be the story of a crime, not a course on criminology."

The Author's Premise

"There are seven discernible threads that are woven throughout the fabric of this study. They represent the reasons for abolition of the Federal Reserve System.

The Federal Reserve System should be abolished for the following reasons:

1. It is incapable of accomplishing its stated objectives.

2. It is a cartel operating against the public interest.

3. it is the supreme instrument of usury.

4. It generates our most unfair tax (inflation).

5. It encourages war.

6. It destabilizes the economy.

7. It is an instrument of totalitarianism.

This is a story about limitless money and hidden global power."

-- Andy (, January 03, 2000.

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