Flatbed w/accessory or Neg. scanner. Help

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Looks like Dimage is the (expensive) pick, but what's the truth about flatbeds? I want to scan all formats. The scanmaker 4 is looking good (pricewise) But what do you experts think? Just how much sharpness is lost? Thanks in advance!

-- david (dbroussa@lausd.k12.ca.us), January 02, 2000


David, I would immediately reject the flatbed scanner for scanning film smaller than 4x5. I use two Linocolor flatbeds and they do a fair job on 4x5 to 8x10 film. To be fair I really haven't given them a good test on 35 or 21/4, but what I did see was disappointing. I use two Kodak 3570 film scanners for everything up to 70mm and they do a good job-not up to a drum scanner, but adequate for my needs.

-- fred (fdeaton@hiwaay.net), January 02, 2000.

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