My Computer : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Well, I don't quite know what to think. I can tell you that people have been telling me that my little Pentium 166 that I purchased in 1997 would fail, and I would have to replace it. I purchased 3 different Y2K test software programs, and it failed everytime. I did nothing to fix this because I was just going to buy a new system anyway. Well, now I can see that there are no problems at all. I feel like people have been using Y2K to try and scare people into purchasing useless software, and upgrading their systems. Is the whole Y2K thing bit just a big joke ? I don't get it. I did stock up on feed (proving to myself that I can prepare), but won't need it. That I am happy for. I am glad we all made it, but angry that I spent good money on useless peograms that lied to me about my compliant computer. What are your thoughts ?

-- Cody (, January 01, 2000


Cody: My space bar has turned into a delete key. I can't insert letters into a word. I have to retype it????????? arrrrrrgh.

-- Scotty (, January 01, 2000.


My daughter just sent me an E-mail . The message was dated January 1, 1994 and was received January 1, 2000. I tried my Microsoft Works to see if it could calcutate interest today. It used the year 1900. I did nothing to update my computer also. I don't think I'll use my computer to calculate interest . My computer still works, just not correctly in some programs.

-- Ellen (, January 01, 2000.


Sounds like you have a virus...

-- BiGG (, January 01, 2000.

Cody, I have a computer that I purchased in 1994. I backed up my important files before the rollover but I didn't do much else. My computer is a Gateway Pentium-66 so I checked out the Gateway Web site. They said there would be no problems with their Pentiums. I don't know if this refers to Pentiums in other Manufacturer's computers, but I have had had little trouble. I am also using Windows 3.11 and the Program manger is acting a little funny in that it labels the date field of any file I save today as "1/1/19:0" . Thus, my computer isn't compliant. But I was expecting errors like this and it doesn't stop me from doing what I need to get done. I can function with a non-compliant computer. And this was one of the main points of the Pollies all along. Many were harping over how everything had to be compliant or the world would fall apart and the Pollies said this just was not so. Details of labeling and time stamping are not necessarily life and death issues.

But you did ask a very good question. Has this been a lot of hype to sell software? You might find this link at Debunkers enlightening in deciding whether or not Cory Hamasaki has been trying to hype this more than is necessary

-- Robin S. Messing (, January 01, 2000.

Cody, I forgot to ask. You aren't Cody Varian by any chance?

-- Robin S. Messing (, January 01, 2000.

Aloha Cody!

I feel the same, my pc *did not pass* the "tests" I didn't fix anything except the win95y2k. fix. Seems fine, I am online typing this now:) Who cares. I love this being wrong stuff. Life goes on:)


-- Lokelo (, January 01, 2000.


Have you tried toggling the Insert Key?


-- TECH32 (TECH32@NOMAIL.COM), January 01, 2000.

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