(AP) Japan reported the failure of a computer linked to radiation monitoring devices at a nuclear plant

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

(AP) Computers silently switched to 2000 in country after anxious country Saturday, but the dreaded Y2K bug's first bite was barely felt. Japan reported the failure of a computer linked to radiation monitoring devices at a nuclear plant, but said it wasn't considered serious enough to shut the plant. Experts said many Year 2000 computer troubles still might take days or weeks to develop.

What? Me Worry?

-- Lisa (lisadawn@yahoo.com), December 31, 1999


url for above: http://fullcoverage.yahoo.com/FC/tech/Year_2000_Problem/

-- Lisa (lisadawn@yahoo.com), December 31, 1999.

Thanks Lisa

-- Dana (A_Non_O_Moose@xxx.com), December 31, 1999.

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