New Zealand reporting one water utility down (non-Y2K?) : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

Per the Ministry for Emergency Management of New Zealand, the region of Waikato, area of Morrinsville experienced a "loss of power water plant" cause is suspected to be strong wind. The time of the incident was 11:42pm on 12-31-99 and the impact was "minimal". The area still has water available. The N.Z. emergency system is currently classifying this incident as "nature - unknown".

-- meg davis (, December 31, 1999


As well as the time the power outage took place being reported as above so was the time the power went back on... it was 11:59 so it was out for 17 minutes.

see: on.html

Local time 19:20 GMT

-- Graham Ride (, December 31, 1999.

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