What is Print Order?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

In my Kodak DC-210, you can do something called Print Order. What the heck is that????? Is it for printing off pictures or something?

-- Matt (emailmatt@home.com), December 29, 1999


Yes, the Digital Print Order Format is a standard for specifying how many copies of each photo you want to have printed, while the memory card is still in the camera. You can then drop the card into a compatible printer and it'll automatically print the photos you've ordered. Many cameras support this, very few printers have the direct card slots to read the cards. I think the Kodak Picture Maker kiosks in camera stores, large drug chains, etc. support this format though.

-- Dave Etchells (web@imaging-resource.com), January 03, 2000.

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