New Forum on Greenspun From Steve Davis and Friends! : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Rollover/Back-Up Forum : One Thread


We have a new Y2K rollover site on the Greenspun forum started by the Coalition 2000s Civic Preparedness Group. Please drop by and give a warm welcome to the new folks on the block. BTW they seem to have some important friends. Could be interesting.

 Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) Top Level

Members of Coalition 2000s Civic Preparedness Group founded
the Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) Forum in
late December 1999 as means to collect and provide fast and
accurate information on Y2K impacts at the community level.

Anticipating that getting details on Y2K impacts will be difficult, a
grassroots effort has formed to collect and provide fast and accurate
information on Y2K impacts at the community level. The
Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) will be
providing a unique Y2K information resource as a trustworthy
adjunct and grassroots alternative to government and industry
information sharing efforts.

GICC will provide a forum where volunteers will provide
late-breaking news of Y2K-related events. GICC moderators will
verify reports and catalogue them along with daily analysis and
suggested action agendas. This is expected to provide a truly
unique information source as well as a public history of how the
Y2K event unfolds at the community level.

In a truly democratic process, the project provides a participatory,
open space where anyone can post news updates. No one owns
GICC. Rather, it's autonomous, widespread, self-organizing, and
"chaordic," cutting across traditional lines of generational and
political affiliation, and is on the cutting edge of the kind of grass
roots civic initiatives changing the face of contemporary society.

The GICC depends on volunteers to collect information on Y2K
issues from the community level based on these guidelines:

 Volunteers are asked to verify issues prior to reporting them.
GICC analysts will follow-up on incidents and prepare reports for
participants, the public, and the media.

 Moderators will perform quality assurance.

 Analyst will post follow reports as they are completed.

 The Utah Joint Information Center and the civicprep discussion
list will serve as back-ups. In the event of any problems, incident
messages can be sent to either of these locations. To subscribe to
civicprep, send an e-mail to with "subscribe
civicprep your_name" in the subject or the body of the message. If
Internet mail is unavailable, volunteers are encouraged to write-up
events and save them for later posting when these systems are back

-- Brian (, December 29, 1999


More information at...

Coalition 2000


Also the direct GICC URL...

Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC)

http:// Grassroots%20Information%20Coordination%20Center%20%28GICC%29



-- Diane J. Squire (, December 29, 1999.

Boring, so far nothing's here. I miss TB2000.

-- Lars (, December 29, 1999.

I do too, Lars. Bad time for things to change.

-- Linda A (, December 29, 1999.

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