Returning to Lurking status : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Rollover/Back-Up Forum : One Thread

Please take this as a thank you for the last 8 months of news and notes. I will be returning to lurker status and wish to say publicly that doom and polly news has been appreciated, alike. I wish all in both camps an uneventful rollover.

Please note by displeasure with the spamming going on here for the sake of disruption. This has been truly adolescent in anture and has done nothing for either 'camp' mentality. While I harbor an optimistic viewpoint about y2k, one cannot condone an attacking behavior that acts as well, vandalism.

God Bless, all

-- Bad Company (, December 29, 1999


Take care BC. A noble (polly) opponent is always welcome...

-- Billy Boy (, December 29, 1999.

Oh, Dear Cow;

the issue is NOt the SYSOPS receiving the spamming, but the BOARD getting clogged by the idiocy. If it WERE a sysop thing, then the spammers would spam the sysops personally. 'Course THAT can't be done anonymously as easily as doing the Board, and can open one up to all SORTS of things.

And being a sysop is NO WHERE NEAR the same as taking a public figure's role. Your analogy is extremely faulty. The attacks were against the BOARD and are/were unconscionable in polite society, something you aparently have very little experience of.

night train

-- a footballer settin the record straight (nighttr@in.lane), December 29, 1999.

I am a savage, but I never lie.

-- Troll Guy (sound@familiar. to you?), December 29, 1999.

BC: Hey, from one Pennsylvanian to another, take it easy and have a great new year.

-- Familyman (2daystogo@this.time), December 29, 1999.

BC...Good Luck in the new Year, whatever it may bring

-- (, December 29, 1999.

Troll guy,

But are you a silly savage?

-- (studly@dude.guy), December 29, 1999.

Godspeed B C! See you in the new year!

-- TM (, December 29, 1999.

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