rise/fall lockdown on cc400

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

My CC400 (CC400 black + 90mm optar in recessed board + 545 = $382) rig arrived today, and I've already produced my first polaroids!

Small question: is the rise/fall lockdown on the front standard really supposed to be operated with a philips-head screwdriver? I can't seem to get it adjusted right--it either feels like it's tearing away at the nub or it's completely locked... is there some other tensioner I haven't found? Or is this what I get for paying $161 for a Calumet?

-- Josh Wand (josh@jwand.dhs.org), December 28, 1999


Pull the knob outward to unlock it, push inward to lock it. Note that I may have gotten that backwards...

At any rate, that's how it's locked and unlocked.

-- John Hicks (jbh@magicnet.net), December 29, 1999.

Nevermind, I figured it out this morning.

Moderators, feel free to delete this thread.

-- Josh Wand (josh@jwand.dhs.org), December 29, 1999.

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