New to scanning. Need help please : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I am new to computers and having problems. I have a Dell Pentium II and added a Visioneer flatbed scanner in order to be able to send my prints via email or create my own webpage. The problem is, my manual doesn't tell me how to do this things. Also when I receive an email with attached picture, I can't open it. My file utility tells me I need a "LVIEWPRO" to view it. where can I get this program? Or is this part of the Windows 98? Thanks for any help. Really appreciate it Paul

-- Paul (, December 28, 1999


Ok, first off, when dealing with sending pictures over email or on the internet in general remember the phrase "size does matter" Make sure that the pictures you are sending or putting up on the webpage are as small as feasible. Your scanner should have come with picture editing software to do this. Incidentally, that software can be used to view your downloaded pictures. So you needn't go searching for LviewPro. Ok, sending pictures in your email. Internet (sorry) ;) In the email program find Insert at the top of the screen and then File. then attach the file you want to send. Netscape: Click on Attach, then File, etc. As far as the last part, LviewPro can be found at Hope this helps out.


-- David Erskine (, December 28, 1999.

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