baygen radio : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

I have just gotten my baygen freeplay radio and was wondering if there is some way to boost the reception of the shortwave. Or is there no one transmitting like they used to. I am in the Phoenix AZ area

-- wittey (, December 28, 1999


Use a better antenna. I think that CC Crane sells one, and I suspect this may have been discussed in the past on this board.

-- Jim (, December 28, 1999.

wittey: We just received a baygen from CCrane Co. They are in CA. I got the super baygen as they just had it on sale. I also ordered the accessory kit which includes an antenna. Haven't had time to play it much yet, but hubby was receiving Spanish and French speaking people on the shortwave. He is French Cajun, so was understanding some of it. Don't know where it was coming from. Good luck. The accessory kit was around $40.00. Hope that helps. Karen

-- Karen (, December 28, 1999.

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Showing results 1-10 of approximately 12,200 for long wire antenna. Search took 0.40 seconds. GoogleScout

A Long-wire Aerial for Six Metres ...A Long-wire Aerial for Six Metres Brian D. Williams, GW0GHF Issue,... ...metres. The antenna is about 65 feet of ordinary aerial wire,... - Cached: 4k - GoogleScout

Matched long-wire antenna by RU3AEP ...Matched long-wire antenna by RU3AEP To read a story from... ...possibility to make an antenna - to hang up a long wire... - Cached: 15k - GoogleScout ...purpose. And I made a long-wire-antenna around my small... ...easy. ** I use 40m long wire for the antenna. I use it with... Cached: 7k - GoogleScout

6m (50Mhz) Long wire Antenna ...(50Mhz) Long wire antenna Description by Arnie Coro CO2KK... ...There is another form of long wire antenna which provides... - Cached: 4k - GoogleScout

Long Wire - HF - From JCRE.COM - SPI-RO Antennas!! Ham Radio Accessories ...CO WIRE ANTENNAS, 6 METERS TO 160 METERS All Band Dipole Antenna - ... ...Limited Space Dipole Antenna - AS-2, 70 Feet Long, Center Fed.... - Cached: 25k - GoogleScout

Re: long servo wire ...19:30:57 In Reply to: Re: long servo wire posted by Pete George on... ...1999 at 18:01:00 Subject: Re: long servo wire Hi Peter; I've been... - Cached: 4k - GoogleScout GoogleScout

Shielded loop antenna applications - Chris Scott and Associates ...loop versus long wire antennas in AM broadcast monitor service A... ...takes the form of a horizontal long wire erected on the rooftop... - Cached: 6k - GoogleScout

ARRLWeb: Antennas, End-Fed and Long Wire ...Antennas, End-Fed and Long Wire QST ARTICLE BIBLIOGRAPHY -... ...BIBLIOGRAPHY - Antennas, End-Fed and Long Wire Thank you for... - Cached: 6k - GoogleScout

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