Went to Kmart today to buy stuff for the house...had more than enough to cover the 504.00 purchase price. Hubby gave the girl the debit card and the cash register said "CHECK TENDER AMOUNT LIMIT-" Thje girl was totally perplexed, she called her manager, who was also pretty baffled. She tried to find out what this meant, as neither had ever seen this before. Personally, I THINK it was a Y2k measure my bank put on the card...ya never know...BUT we ended up writing a check instead. This is NOT the first time we have had problems with our ATM card this year. Most of our problems started back in October, when the banks in SE Wisconsin started their compliance tests. Our atm cards would not work even when there was money in the accounts-- We heard from tellers at a couple of banks that it was a problem all over lower WI. One told me that it was AMERITECH's fault and their lines were screwed up because of the Y2k testing. Has anyone else had problems with their atm cards/bank's in the last couple of months?

-- Jess (, December 28, 1999


Madison, WI here -- no problems.

-- mil (, December 28, 1999.

I got my new ATM card a few months ago to replace the expired one. In reading the accompanying insert I noticed that there was a $500 purchase limit on the card. I don't recall a purchase limit being imposed on the old card so it was probably a new policy they put into effect. If they put the same restrictions on your ATM, your purchase for $504 was slightly over the limit and subsequently refused at the checkout line. (Which seems silly since you were able to write a CHECK from the *same* account!


-- LunaC (, December 28, 1999.

$504 at K-mart? You could have covered my rent for 1.82 months:)

-- Hokie (, December 28, 1999.

It sounds like you may have a $500 limit. I kinda lucked out, having this card issued almost 1 year ago. I have an $800 cash and $2400 purchase limit on my debit card. But I do have a co-worker, that also banks there, with a "new" account, started in October, that now has a $500 cash and $1500 purchase limit. Your bank may be a little more strict.

I wonder if I'll still have this limit, when my new card arrives next month...

Tick... Tock... <:00= ...

-- Sysman (, December 28, 1999.

I thought when my debit card was issued, I could use it for whatever amount was in my account. Whilst purchasing air tickets last summer, I found that not to be the case. Upon speaking with my bank officer I was informed there was an automatic $500 limit. When I asked if it could be raised to $1,500, she said sure. So if you want a higher limit, it wouldn't hurt to ask. It would be nice if they would inform you of the limit to begin with!

-- Gia (, December 28, 1999.

All banks have daily limits on ATM and check cards. Some limits are higher than others, depending on the type of account, but all have limits. These limits are fraud protection for the bank- if someone steals your check card and takes out $500, you're only in it for $50 bucks, but the bank is stuck with $450. Banks don't like wasting money like that.

These limits have been in place for some time now. In 1982, I was stranded on the side of the road due to a blown water pump while coming back to school after winter break. My ATM card only had a $200 limit on it (I had a starter checking account), the tow cost $50 and the water pump was $300+. My father had to use his Visa to get me out of trouble.

-- Daily Limits (, December 28, 1999.

I have had daily limits on my ATM card since I got my first one in 1982. My account currently has both daily ($2,500) and weekly limits ($5,000) on ATM usage, and has had them for about three years.

Interestingly enough, neither limit applies when I use it as a debit card. Then, so long as I have enough balance to cover the charge, I'm okay.

-- Paul Neuhardt (, December 28, 1999.

This limit never applied before! I have used this card many times to cover purchases over $500---this is a new development.

-- Jess (, December 28, 1999.

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