Problem with Ricoh 6200S : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Dear AllI am using a Ricoh 6200S (SCSI) CD-RW recorder to burn my VCD, CD or softwares. In some occasions when I use a brand new CD-RW to do backup, it fails to copy correctly and cannot be re-formatted again. The CD-RW recorder just giving blinking led in the front, meaning that the CD-RW is not readable anymore.
I've tried CD-Win, Nero Burner, Easy CD-Pro, CD-Creator or Direct CD but none of them can help as it seems to be the hardware not recognising the CD-RW anymore. I used another new CD-RW to cheat the recorder by forced pulling out the good one from the tray and push in the bad one. Still no good.
Has anyone got the same problem and if is there any method I can use to recover the CD-RW?
Cheers Freddy
-- Freddy Yau (, December 26, 1999
Hi,This is a well known Ricoh 6200S specific problem. See also
Since I improved cooling my Ricoh is now far more reliable.
-- Jacques Kirsch (, December 27, 1999.