same days : LUSENET : Y2K Advice : Surviving the Bug - People Helping People : One Thread

I am trying to figure out what year , either 1972 or 1974 has the same days as the year 2000. I would like to know...will help me out for a project

-- (, December 23, 1999


1972 will be "the same" .... as was 1944, 1916, 1876 ... save your 2000 calendar - it'll be "OK" in 2028 and again in 2056.

Some "trivia" - years divisible by 4 are "leap years" (29 days in Feb.) .... USUALLY ! Centuries aren't - 1900 wasn't, 1800 wasn't, 1700 wasn't ..... Years divisible by 1000 are - Y3K will be a leap year, but 2900 won't.

-- Tim Mathers (, December 27, 1999.

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