minox me-1 heliotron flash

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread


I obtained a flash head that is part of the Minox me-1 flash. I'd like to see if I can get it up and running. Does anyone have any unused spare parts for this piece. Specifically, I'd be interested in the cable, battery power pack (even if its unusable due to age I may be able to adapt new batteries, but that remains to be seen) or the charger unit. Thanks.


-- steve dunn (bicycle55@blazenet.net), December 23, 1999


I have read somewhere on the web about somebody taking the flash unit out of a disposable camera and installing the guts into the ME-1 flash head. If this could be done, you would have a very small self-contained Minox flash. I'm going to look around again and see if I can find that reference.

-- James A. Jones (jaj01@gnofn.org), December 24, 1999.

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