Tourney 3 - Hey! It's time to vote for your games! : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
Now time to post something positive here...It's time to start a new and improved(I hope) MARP tournament. Remember, the slow computer cheat is out(with the invension of TG MAME 35), no cheating, no pausing, no anything!
With this opening speech in mind, it's time to vote for what you want to see in this tournament. Let me remind you of a few things.
1. The following games can NOT be voted into the tournament: (1) 2020 Super Baseball, Bomb Jack, Combat School, Discs of Tron, Mr. Do's Wild Ride, ANY Galaga(the '81 version), Gyruss, Lock N' Chase, Money Puzzle Exchanger, Pang 3, Us Vs. Them, Zzyzzyxx, (2) Crystal Castles, Jr. PacMan, Kung Fu Master, Lode Runner, Lunar Rescue, Pooyan, Puzzle Bobble, Rastan, Scramble, Super Sprint. All of these can't be voted because of the rule that takes a game out of a tournament for four tournaments.
2. PLEASE vote on this thread, not privatly or on another thread. The reason for that request is...
3. PLEASE keep tabs on what people voted, because according to tournament rules, if you vote for a game twice, it doesn't help it.
4. I suggest you avoid using Track n' Field or HyperSports or stuff of that type. Track N' Field got rejected in tournament 2 because of the autofire/RLH controversy... you can vote for it... but......
5. You can only vote for three games. Remember to think in terms of MAME 35 FINAL. (because of the version we're going to use)
6. The deadline for voting is January 10th - after that deadline I will randomize the games and post the results for debate.
OK, I'll let you go - have a good one :)
-- Gameboy9 (, December 23, 1999
GB9(JG wanted this signature...) wants these games:1943 KAI, Pnickies, and Wind Jammers
-- Gameboy9 (, December 23, 1999.
I vote for Centipede, Lady Bug and Bosconian
-- MvdV (, December 23, 1999.
I vote for Crush Roller, Devil Fish and Klax.
-- Crash (, December 23, 1999.
Turtles, Super Cobra, and VentureAqua
-- Aquatarkus (, December 23, 1999.
With the games from T1 and T2 not allowed, I'm running out of games fast...Crazy Kong, Lode Runner II, Super Cobra.
Ben Jos.
-- Ben Jos Walbeehm (, December 23, 1999.
Boulder Dash, Circus Charlie, Centipede
-- Donut (, December 23, 1999.
I go for : Ninja Kid II, Rainbow Islands & WonderBoy III
-- Blost (, December 24, 1999.
i vote for :Jackal, Outrun, City Connection
And merry christmas to you all
-- Stig Remnes (, December 24, 1999.
1. Marble Madness (would give me some advantage...) 2. Tron (look previous comment) 3. Phoenix (real torment allways needs one STU-typed game)(With this system allmost all the games are selected, and then randomized?)
-- Tommi Tiihonen (, December 24, 1999.
Since Centipede was voted on, I'll go for Pocket Gal.
-- Donut (, December 24, 1999.
OK, my three are...Street Fighter II (could you see that one coming?), Rolling Thunder, Snow Bros. Hopefully these were all functional around MAME 0.35... Why not a TGMAME 0.36b12?
-- Barry Rodewald (, December 26, 1999.
My 3 picks would be...1. Joust 2. Tempest 3. Crazy Climber
-- JoustGod (, December 26, 1999.
these are just missing:bagman - kangaroo -
-- Kiko (, December 27, 1999.
I vote for:Burning Rubber
Juno First
Do Run Run
-- Cicca (, December 27, 1999.
Since Ben Jos doesn't want to change his Super Cobra pick, I'm changing my Super Cobra pick to Domino Man.Aqua
-- Aquatarkus (, December 28, 1999.
Okay, I vote for...1942, Psychic 5, and Sega Ninja/Ninja Princess.
-- BBH (, December 30, 1999.
I vote for :diamond run ( diamond ) - Super Marukin Ban ( marukin ) - Sichuan II ( sichuan2 )
-- Lagavulin (, January 02, 2000.
Mappy, Mario Bros., Donkey Kong JrBuddude1
-- Buddude1 (, January 02, 2000.
I vote for Lady bug, Green beret,Time pilot '84
-- Vignola Renzo (, January 03, 2000.
Hi !My vote is for Metal Slug I, Outzone and my all time's favorite, Xain'd Sleena.
Happy new year.
-- Laurent Genier (, January 03, 2000.
Hi -I vote for: The Main Event, Outrun and Gauntlet 2.
-- Octavian (, January 03, 2000.
Hello !I vote for : Xain'd Sleena, Burger Time and Green Beret
-- Olivier Millardet (, January 04, 2000.
Sports Dude (JAM) votes for:1. Badlands 2. Xenophobe 3. Klax
I feel Badlands should get a little extra priority because it got slighted out of tourney #1. =) j/k
-- Sports Dude (, January 04, 2000.
Argh...I just noticed Crash chose Klax.Replacement: 3. Puzzled (aka Joy Joy Kid)
/me laughs evily. =)
-- Sports Dude (, January 04, 2000.
Hmm voted for Outrun by mistake. I'll swap it for Ghouls'n'Ghosts.
-- Octavian (, January 04, 2000.
infernoghouls and ghosts
-- Chad (, January 04, 2000.
Dig Dug City Connection Amidar
-- Heinstach Boheme (, January 04, 2000.
Sorry.........xain'd sleena was already choosen........ I'll replace it with chelnov so : Chelnov - Burger Time - and green beret
-- Olivier Millardet (, January 04, 2000.
Penta (easy,3+1) Three Wonders (Puzzle) Video Hustler
-- IUR DHURIN (, January 04, 2000.
Might as well add three of my "favorites"...10 Yard Fight; Elevator Action; Rally X
-- Sandman (, January 05, 2000.
ok the last one :Burger Time, Chelnov, Shinobi
-- Olivier Millardet (, January 05, 2000.
Ooooh, Ooooh, my turn.I vote for Jack the Giantkiller, Zero Zone, and Warp and Warp.
-- Q.T.Quazar (, January 08, 2000.
I'll swap Lady bug for Jungle hunt
-- Renzo Vignola (, January 09, 2000.
God forbid the deadline pass without my own picks, I guess. :)sctionza (Section Z clone, harder than the original), Magic Sword, and Parodius DA!
Brian McLean
-- Brian McLean (, January 10, 2000.