GLOBE & MAIL - Assistant Professor of Business Says "Y2K Was All In Your Head" - Definitely A 'Keeper'! : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

"The Y2K problem was all in your head.We became technological hypochondriacs, ready to believe the doomsayers' diagnosis"

You believed there really was a Y2K problem, didn't you? Silly you!

-- John Whitley (, December 23, 1999


Phew! I'm sure glad that he's used economics principles to determine that there was never a technical problem.

Question: If Y2K is a BITR, will anyone remember that it's BECAUSE of the fuss that Yourdon, Jaeger et all kicked up, not DESPITE them?

-- Servant (, December 23, 1999.

If TSHTF, I would love to give him a jingle and tell him "IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD STUPID!"

-- ~~~~ (~~~~@~~~.xcom), December 23, 1999.

Just another polly, this one happened to be published. Its amusing that he says that the doomers are now inventing "new" things that might happen, like the "fixes" intrducing new problems. I guess that puts the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers solidly in the doomer camp.

-- Gary S. (, December 23, 1999.

This is the goober who wrote the WSJ opinion piece, Dec. 8. See WSJ Editorial - disin' Yourdon. And WWwtWtWTaY2K Part X.

-- Lane Core Jr. (, December 23, 1999.

"And still others are recanting, like prominent U.S. economist Edward Yardeni, but hiding it behind terms so opaque that they wouldn't be out of place in a predict-early and predict-often Jeanne Dixon column."

Ha. That's Kedrosky's way of saying, "I'm in way over my head here, but I can't shut up".

-- Lane Core Jr. (, December 23, 1999.

Well, I know at least one business school dean who would disagree.

-- Dave (, December 23, 1999.

I tell ya, if this assistant professor guy had any common sense, he'd be DANGEROUS!


Oh well, at least he can be of service by becoming the new polly icon.

-- OR (, December 23, 1999.

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