Minox 35 Double Exposures

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

Can I get my Minox 35 GL to perform a double exposure?



-- Brian Warshawsky (brianwar@juno.com), December 22, 1999


I have not tried it on the 35GL, but I have done it on the 35ML, 35AL and MDC.

My steps are

1. wind and get ready for your first exposure

2. use the rewind crank to take up the slack in the film.

3. make your first exposure

4. depress once the rewind release button on the bottom

5. holding on to keep the rewind crank unmoved while you wind film

6. you are ready to make second exposure

-- Loo Woei Harng (loowh@cyberway.com.sg), December 26, 2000.

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