What was Andy Warhol's Favorite Camera ?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

Andy Warhol used his Minox camera to photograph celebrities and friends.

Andy Warhol's Exposures

Andy Warhol and Mick Jagger

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), December 22, 1999


Response to Andy Warhol's EXPOSURES with MINOX

Andy Warhol mentioned "autofocus camera ... like Minox..." in his preface to EXPOSURE. EXPOSURE was published in 1979, the only Minox 35mm camera in existance at that time was Minox EL and Minox GL. Minox AF appeared in 1988. The Minox camera Andy Warhol used was in fact a Minox EL.

In 1976, an art dealer in Zurich, Thomas Ammanne showed Andy Warhol a smallest 35mm camera, new on the market for only a year, a Minox EL. Andy Warhol was so impressed with this 'James Bond " like camera, and said "are you going to give it to me". This Minox EL changed the way Andy Warhol treated photography. For the rest of his life, his pocket Minox became his image recorder.

There are over one hundred thousand photo images in Andy Warhol Museam, a great number of these images were taken with Minox 35mm camera.

There is a new book "Andy Warhol's Photography" published by Andy Warhol Museum.

This book seems to be written by many people, in one paragraph, it said Andy Warhol used a Minox SLR. That must be typo.

Andy Warhol Museum

Andy Warhol Experience

Andy Warhol Exhibition

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), January 15, 2000.

Review article on Andy Warhol Photography

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), December 24, 2000.

Review on Andy Warhol Photography: "In 1976 he acquired a Minox 35 El, and it was this camera (or other small SLRs like it) that he carried with him everywhere for the rest of his life. It more or less replaced the tape recorder--his wife as he called it--that had earlier been his constant companion. As the first book to deal exclusively with the topic of Warhol's engagement with photography, Andy Warhol--Photography will be indispensable for anyone with a serious interest in Warhol. The most striking material is connected to his mania for collecting photographs and the snapshots that he took on a daily basis" http://www.caareviews.org/reviews/kunsthalle.html Great numbers of examples of his notebook style photography are presented in the book. "New York City": park, horse carriage, grafiti, street advertisments.

"Montauk"-- pots and pans, car in driveway, can food in cabinet,

eggs, pot on range

"China"-- chef, highrises, pedestrians, bicyclists, coomercial advertisments..

His dog, Toilets



-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), June 04, 2002.

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