Social Security ready, but has "jet fuel generators" just in case : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Yup, an old story to this forum, but on the news feed today, dated 12/21 <:)=,1283,33212,00.html

WASHINGTON -- Federal officials say the Social Security system is Y2K-OK, and they're probably right.

The most recent figures show that all of the agency's 2203 computer systems are Y2K compliant, and many have been for years.


But just in case -- there's a lot of that if/then planning going on right about now -- the Social Security Administration is readying a 24-hour command center at its Baltimore, Maryland headquarters.

As midnight on 31 December nears, the center will switch over to "jet fuel generators," the head of the SSA said Tuesday.

"We want the public to understand we are prepared for the year 2000," Commissioner Kenneth Apfel told reporters at a White House press center.

He said that all 1,300 Social Security field offices will be prepared for possible glitches on New Year's and -- if necessary -- can handwrite checks for US$999 to people in "dire circumstances."

Monthly payments will be sent a day early, and the next round of recipient information already has been sent to the Treasury Department on magnetic tape, Apfel said.

Most Social Security benefits are paid on the third of each month, and direct deposit information will be sent to banks and credit unions by 30 December, a day earlier than usual.

The chairman of the White House's Y2K council, John Koskinen, said at the same press conference that Social Security was a stellar example of an agency that started computer repairs early and completed them successfully.

But as recently as July 1999, auditors at the US General Accounting Office reported that state computers used to determine disabled status were still being fixed.

During the fiscal years 1996 through 1999, SSA has spent $39.5 million on Y2K repairs. The federal government has spent $8.4 billion.

The agency's toll-free number is 800-772-1213.

-- Sysman (, December 22, 1999


I wonder how many people who ask will get those "dire emergency" dollars? What criteria would you use to decide whether there's a real need? They don't have the staff to check out claims at the best of times, let alone when the phone lines are jammed 24/7.

I'm afraid it's 0%. I hope it's 100% - but that scares me too. I just don't see how it can be any other figure.

No? Feel fre to suggest some qualifying "dire circumstances", then explain how you would verify them. Also, please explain how - without working or reliable computers - you would verify who you're sending the cheque to, and while you're at it, how do you ensure that you've only sent one cheque per claimant?

Fix On Fail is not an attractive option.

-- Servant (, December 22, 1999.

!!!Sadness...deep, deep sadness!!! Hope we can make it till next growing season. I have immense respect for my seniors. Elders are our foundation and a wealth of knowledge. Remember to make room in your hearts for them if it gets bad. Their blood, sweat and tears paved the way for the luxuries we have gleened from this past century.

-- Michael (, December 22, 1999.

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