Skinny Hubby, more a Doomer than I! : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Will mankind ever figure out another? I have been solely preparing for over a year. Hubby lent, not one cent, told me,I was stoopid, many times. Then tonight, out of the blue, he says "Yes", he hopes something will happen, to bring us back to the basics. I have lived with this man for 22 years, thought him to be, "Much Stupido", then to learn he a a "DOOMER", aggggahhh. A Frozen Doomer at that!!!!Thank Goodness, I was driven to buy the Food Stuff. Hope I don't break the economy with the beans and rice tricks, okay the small tin hams and Salmon. Taz, you reading this murk?

-- Long Road to a (, December 22, 1999


Well, I suppose congrats are in order. :)

My partner was DGI, then DWGI, then hit a point where she was actually getting angry at the prepping until I showed her the figures on the actual cost of prepping (1-3% in interest). She's still DWGI, but has now transformed utterly - we've both discovered that we LIKE having cupboards full of food, regardless of what happens at Y2K. Hey, a positive aspect!

-- Servant (, December 22, 1999.

"Yes", he hopes something will happen, to bring us back to the basics.

Gee, I wouldnt be so happy with that statement. He wants society to go backwards ? People hoping for "getting back to basics" have no idea what they are talking about.

-- hamster (, December 22, 1999.

well, at least he admitted his "error" prior to the rollover. after all that work YOU DID i would at least make him say "I WAS WRONG--YOU WERE RIGHT" once!!! somehow i think this man of yours was not necessarily a doomer the whole time--maybe he just became a GI--you'd have to be "stoopid" not to become a GI now with all the press??!! SO I THINK YOU NEED TO MAKE HIM PAY FOR HIS LAZINESS AND STOOPIDNESS SOMEHOW??? hmmm... girls, any ideas?????

-- tt (, December 22, 1999.

Me Too!!!I started prepping all alone 19 months money, my time, my worries and planning. No help. even had to install my own wooden storage shelves all alone. Now, some of my spouse's cohorts at work are beginning to "get it" and I hear by the grapevine he's telling all HE'S "READY"! Well, he's "readier" than he thinks because I bought him plenty of 2 cycle engine oil and 10 gallons of gasoline so he can get out and cut some of our dead trees when the power goes out and we need to fire up my wood burning stove....if he can find his chain saw, that is. I'm financially drained. I don't think he's a doomer though, because we have too much riding on 401Ks, pension plans, stocks and IRA's. (I told him six months ago he'd better do what he could about them) We'll see.

-- (Headaches, December 22, 1999.

The same is happening to me, since January I have been begging my parents to help out with storing some food and water and they laughed at me the entire time. Psycho they said. I tried explaining to them that no one knows what will happen and said I have to do something for the sake of my small children. Still they said everything is rosy and "they" wouldn't let anything happen. Now, my dad calls me and says you know there might be a problem from what he has heard on the tv. So he calls and says, "I went to the store today and bought a jar of peanut butter and some pork and beans and chili and a little water" tells me that what he got along with what i have will get us by. I don't think so but at least it is a start. Good luck to all.

-- sally (sally@myhome.sigh), December 22, 1999.

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