How in the world will 1000 celebrities get to/from DC, the most dangerous city in the world BEFORE Y2K, for the White House bash when air travel has been restricted? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Short answer: they won't.

The event will be cancelled due to 'security concerns'.

-- Jeane Dixon (@ .), December 20, 1999


How about the other short answer; air travel won't be restricted.

-- ( go), December 20, 1999.

Wakeup idiot. They're cancelling all flights over rollover as we speak. It will get *worse*, not *better*.

But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. So, OK then, you're a celebrity, you're invited to downtown DC for the rollover. You don't possess the 'danger gene'. Do you still go?

-- Jeane Dixon (@ .), December 20, 1999.

No problem. Those of us with invitations will simply fly in a day or two earlier. Those without...well, we'll stay home in our local bunkers!

-- Mad Monk (, December 20, 1999.

Hey Jeane, do you think it is possible that they could fly into DC like on December 30 or 31 before the rollover? After all, if it is a New Years Eve Party it would be a good idea to get there before the party is over, right?

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), December 20, 1999.

OK, many flights are being cancelled _during_ the rollover.

Please provide any links showing

- that air travel has been restricted.

- that _all_ flights are being cancelled during the rollover.

- that flights are cancelled _before_ and _after_ the rollover.


-- Mikey2k (, December 20, 1999.

-- Senorita (, December 20, 1999.

We know what sort of people these people are, those that fall into the catagory of "don't ask, don't tell," put them all on one flight and and create a betting pool, similar to a ball pool. Will they make it or wont they? This is a win-win situation me thinks.

-- Notforlong (, December 20, 1999.

I know California is considered by many to "not" be part of the USA, but it is not considered an "international" destination yet, is it? Let them have their fun,,,they can all go to,,,, D.C. for all I care.

-- tumblebug (, December 20, 1999.

The FAA plans on buisness as usual with the execption of decreased volume due to the Y2K bug.

-- Julie (, December 20, 1999.

Garvey insisted that "safety would not be compromised and the number of flights would be cut if necessary to insure safe operations."

So the worlds finest will be popping into National and BWI like new mushrooms after a spring rain, right around the three days surrounding 0101uh-oh, in the midst of potentially the greatest disaster and terrorist date in history?


Yeah right Hawk. You must have your polly goggles on today.

-- Jeane Dixon (@ .), December 20, 1999.


What is it about the internet that brings out the worst in people.

I'm sure that in a different surrounding, you would treat other's opinions with more respect than calling them idiots.

Why is that?

-- Randers (, December 20, 1999.


How about......cause I'm tired of hearing SPIN and BS.

Care to answer the question now butthead?

-- Jeane Dixon (@ .), December 20, 1999.

It appears this Jeane Dixon is obviously suffering from some kind of mental affliction or deficiency. She puts forth the assumption that 1000 celebrities, on their way to a NEW YEARS EVE party, are going to be flying DURING the rollover, and then calls everyone an idiot when they point out that these people are probably going to be flying to the party BEFORE the rollover could present any danger. I think it is clear to most of us who the REAL idiot is. :-)

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), December 20, 1999.

Oh excuse me Mr. HawkAss. I guess you must be one of those believers in a '1-day storm'.


-- Jeane Dixon (@ .), December 20, 1999.

Out of curiosity, I did a search of flights out of Atlanta to Washington DC, leaving on Dec.31, and returning on Jan 1.

The latest flight I found leaves ATL at 8:15 pm and arrives at BWI (Baltimore Washington) at 10:08pm.

The earliest return flight out leaves BWI at 5:30am and arrives at ATL at 7:23am.

It had a suprisingly low fair for such short notice, by the way, lol.


-- FactFinder (, December 20, 1999.

Tom Cruise: "Hey, lets all fly to DC and risk being stranded after rollover!"

Will Smith: "Yeah! Maybe Washington will meltdown and we'll see some rioting!"

Stephen Spielberg: "I wanna be guinea pig on the first plane out Sunday morning!"

Llama man: "Do we need to bring MREs or is Bill reserving us a place in the bunker?"

-- Jeane Dixon (@ .), December 20, 1999.


No, as a matter of fact, if you check my previous postings you'll find that I'm expecting it to be about a 7 or 8 on a scale of 10. That doesn't change the fact that your post makes absolutely no sense at all. Please explain to me how you expect there to be problems with an aircraft that flies to Washington DC and lands at least several hours BEFORE the clocks rollover to the year 2000.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), December 20, 1999.


I've got a license plate frame that states "An armed society is a polite society". It kinda sums up my thoughts on this insult/name calling business.

I suspect that if you had to give a real name, eMail address, phone number and actual street address, your behavior would be somewhat different.

I further suspect in a face to face discussion, you wouldn't be calling people twice your size and strength names.

The anonimity of the internet seems to be contrary to civil discourse.

A pity.

As to the question you posed (and answered):

I've seen no information leading me to believe that air flights will be "restricted", unless by that you mean to include the cancellation of flights due to lack of interest by the public.

Time will tell, only God knows the future.

-- Randers (, December 20, 1999.

1000 celebs will be waiting at the airport to evacuate DC, which is in the middle of an 8? Is that what you're sayin Hawk?

And Randers, pardon me for insulting your delicate sensibilities. But one more question: Would YOU fly to DC for rollover? I didn't think so, smartass.

-- Jeane Dixon (@ .), December 20, 1999.

Hawk just raised his wing to be counted as having produced one of the dumbest Y2K questions today.

The only notable problems will be at the stroke of midnight pigeon boy? Pa-leeese.

Personally, I'm hoping the majority of our socialist entertainment industry simply falls from the sky (hopefully landing on the heated tent in the Rose Garden reserved for Clinton relatives).

Could we be that lucky?

-- Will continue (, December 20, 1999.

"1000 celebs will be waiting at the airport to evacuate DC, which is in the middle of an 8? Is that what you're sayin Hawk?"

Think about what you are saying. Just because you or I may believe that it will be an 8, do you think that 1000 millionaire celebrities are going to change their mind? It is already clear that we represent about 3% of the population, and that everyone else could care less how much we try to warn them.

Your original question stated that you think the event will be cancelled and I think you are full of shit. Even if it is an 8, when you've got $millions, that doesn't stop you from getting where you need to go. I'm sure there will be many private Lear Jet pilots, helicopters, limousines or whatever that will be glad to take Steven Spielberg home if he pays them enough.

Besides how do you figure that an 8 in L.A. is going to be any better than an 8 in DC? These people don't care what happens where and when, they deal with it. If it came down to it, Clinton would make sure they all got home safely on board Air Force One.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), December 20, 1999.

Wow! A whole thread by an anonymous "doomer" using a stupid screen name. Why is this allowed to be posted here while other threads started by anonymous "pollies" would be deleted?

Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

-- Does it matter who I am? (doesit?@matter.really?), December 20, 1999.

Hey Jean, I think we're missing the forest for the trees here. Think about it: a bunch of air-headed celebrities might be stranded in DC, granted. That is a BAD thing? Who CARES????? MOST celebrities will be in for quite a shock if things are bad. You won't catch me cryin over them (not saying you are, btw)

-- preparing (, December 20, 1999.

I asked earlier in this thread for any supporting links for your position that _all_ flights are being cancelled over the rollover. A couple of others had links for what we already know: that _some_ flights are being cancelled.

So how about it? Got anything?


-- Mikey2k (, December 21, 1999.

Silliest food fight I've ever seen here.

Answer is: they're gonna tape the party on Dec 28 and broadcast on the 31st.

If, indeed, they don't outright cancel it.

-- lisa (, December 21, 1999.

Maybe it's all a plot to get the celebs into DC for a rollover collapse. Once things start going bad the celebs will beg to go home.

Then the Klintoon-Gore/Bore political machine can shake them down for some VERY hefty campaign contributions for AL. Things have been slow financially for him as, you know. Something like this would certainly swell Gore/Bore's checkbook and maybe get gome gratis endorsements by grateful celebs in Al's campaign ads.

Or it could all be an elaborate plot to wipe out Gore/Bore's most personally feared rival: Warren Beatty. I can hear the news broadcasts now:

"Major New Year's Y2K rioting occurred in Washington, DC overnight. Officials report that among the casualties, actor Warren Beatty was accidently shot sixteen times behind the right ear by Secret Service agents from the Vice President's security detail. The names of the other casualties are found on the "Declined to Contribute" list available from DNC event organizers".

Stranger things have happened.


-- Wildweasel (, December 21, 1999.

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