70 ton cov hopper decals

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I saw the artical in the model section about the Bowser 70 ton cov hopper #55692. Does anybody make the decals for the same model so one can make a multiple of cars?

-- steven cook (tdtaylor@mounet.com), December 19, 1999


Check with Riverdale Station in Atlanta. I picked up several sets from Bob about 2 weeks ago.

-- Bill Jones (wrjones845@aol.com), March 01, 2000.


Microscale is producing decals to accurately letter all of the Central's covered hoppers (except for the Airslides) from delivery to the 1963 merger. The stock numbers are 87-1093 (HO scale) and 60-1093 (N scale). I believe that these will be released by the first of the year.

Allen Tuten

-- Allen Tuten (ahtuten@aol.com), December 19, 1999.

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