What are your favorite online journals?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
What are your favorites? Share them with the rest of the class.Oh, and if you want to include links, be sure to put TARGET="_top" into the tag, so they won't open inside the frame. Or just type out the URL and we can cut and paste.
-- Anonymous, December 18, 1999
excluding you right?(I read you first every day...) Estrogen, Today, Perforated Lines, Visions & Revisions, Alone in a Crowd are my general favourites. In the realm of research and science, I am also reading Magic Purple Crayon and Blissful Moments just to see if I should stick to dogs and leave the babies to someone else!
-- Anonymous, December 18, 1999
I like heyoka lots. I like her because sometimes it seems as if she has an entirely different editor at work in her head than the rest of us. She's also one of the kindest people I've never met and is on the list of people to actually meet.Leslie Harpold is wicked talented every which way. Her many kazillion projects include various writing projects. Also one of the kindest people I've not actually met. (Tho I'm more likely to meet her. G and I joke about 'when we go to New York to visit Leslie' but it's less joking every time.)
G, though at this point, I read his online stuff for entirely different reasons than you (hypothetical you) do. I probably also end up reading the same words in a very different way.
forbidden planet. She has a relationship with words that I respect.
The nubbin might be better classed as a weblog. Who cares? Ariana is really nice and smart and all kinds of good things, and hey! I've met her in person. So I have met more than one 'web person'.
-- Anonymous, December 18, 1999
Thank god Stee won a Diarist.Net award, or else he would have probably won in all categories! HehMy favorite journals are more.than.this, Blissful Moments (we are due the same day!), Take to the Sky, Much Ado About..., and Who I Am. Don't ask me why I like Who I am. This girl and I could not be more opposites, and sometimes she drives me absolutely nuts. Maybe that's why I read it, to say, "why did you DO that? Why did you SAY that?"
Popular journal fetishes (Bad Hair Days, Squishy, Bobofett) not included.
-- Anonymous, December 18, 1999
I have 2 favourite groups of online journals. The first group are (generally) those that are well designed and thought out, and/or very well written. They tend to be written by bright, thoughtful, and humourous people. They are: (excepting xeney.com, since I don't think I need to provide a link to it :)Catherine Jamieson's Naked Eye, Sara Astruc, Leslie Harpold, Maggie McCuller, Adam Rakunas,(email list called "The Ride", Nancy Birnes, Pamela Ribon, Dana. and me , of course: I like my journal. I am sure I have left out one or two from this group.
The second group I won't provide links to, but I basically read them because I am amazed that people that ignorant/amoral/irratating/just plain dumb actually exist. I read them in the same way that I watch Ally McBeal, a show I really, really dislike.
-- Anonymous, December 18, 1999
The weird thing is, though I read several, I honestly don't know if I have favorites. I know I used to - I awaited the updates the way kids stay up half the night, waiting for Santa.My favorites are hiding, more often than not. (They have to be favorites - I've gone looking for them on purpose.) Hidden directories, unannounced URL's, surprising tildes, several Diaryland refugees. A lucky find in the referrer logs and there they are. I almost want to ask why, but I don't think there's an answer and if there is, I should have it - I've gone hiding myself, a time or two.
-- Anonymous, December 19, 1999
My favorite journals, well, it changes frequently but right now I'm hooked on: This one, Heroin Dreams -- He's got different kind of style and the subject matter is interesting, to me at least. Next is the doc, Medea Sin, I always pondered with the idea of being a doctor. I like to read this one a lot. And then there's Athena, Much ado about....
-- Anonymous, December 19, 1999
You and Viv are my two first stops of the day, followed closely by by Atropine|Saper Vedere and InterLeaves. I've got others that I like a lot and read regularly linked from my journal. But those are the four that currently occupy the top spots.A lot of my old faves have gone underground, or have moved on to other types of writing -- like Maggy Donea and Alexis Massie and Gabby.
I still check their sites regularly, but not with the daily consistency that has me religously following every change and comment here at dear old xeney.com or at la casa de Viv.
-- Anonymous, December 19, 1999
Yours of course, Pamie's Squishy, and Patricks daily journal. If I wrote you is great, but she doesn't update enough, The Book of Rob is a really good one too.Journals just lose me completely if they don't update at a frequent rate. I'm not saying every single day, but once in awhile would be nice, or else it leaves the reader so out of touch, and it takes a lot of effort to try to catch up.
-- Anonymous, December 20, 1999
These are mine... (In addition to Bad Hair Days, which is always my first stop in the morning.)If I Wrote You...Would You Know Me?
The Mighty Kymm's Hedgehog Tales
-- Anonymous, December 20, 1999
Dang. I knew I'd forget one. I just found this one recently and really enjoy it.Postcards from the Pond
-- Anonymous, December 20, 1999
Here are the ones I read every day (I'm too lazy to do links, plus everybody's linked to these already):http://www.mindspring.com/~huntzinger/dindex.html Aries Moon
http://homepages.interscape.net/artistatlarge/ artist at large
http://www.xeney.com/index.html Bad Hair Days
http://www.bobofett.com/index.html bobofett!
http://www.blackbook.org/indexcore.html ceejs black book (the first one I read)
http://www.dash.dircon.co.uk/ erms journal
http://www.rosamundi.com/ First Person Particular
http://www.chickpages.com/rants/moira.mcgrath/entries.html Freak Magnet
http://www.shelleyness.com/index.html shellyness
http://www.btinternet.com/~john.bailey/index.html journal of a writing man
http://www.fauve.cc/perfect-way/index.html perfect way
I was reading Scott's Words journal, but haven't gotten caught up with him since he started his new one from Germany. There are a couple of others who I need to get caught up with, but haven't done so yet.
Plus of course there is at least one that I read just because I think the author(s) such an ass and I'm fascinated to see what annoying things he/she will do next. Why give them links, though.
-- Anonymous, December 20, 1999
I only read two because I read them at work and don't dare get hooked on any others although I would love to check out some of the above links. I read yours, Beth, every day and I read my daughter, Heather's Dear Diary on her website, The Nid. http://users.lanminds.com/gryffyn/ It gives some interesting glimpses into the California lifestyle for those of us living out here in the conservative midwest.
-- Anonymous, December 21, 1999
Just wondering what "the California lifestyle" is? ;-)I've lived in CA for 35 years now and I couldn't describe a single "California lifestyle" if my own life(not style) depended on it! Oh well.
As for fave journals, I read very few. I skim a couple, but to be honest, I like forums and weblogs better. "Daily life" kind of journals tend to bore the bejesus out of me, especially long entries about pets, so I skip over anything like that. I like cats and dogs (and kids), don't misunderstand... I just fall asleep when people talk about their antics or their cuteness too much.
Pictures are nice though... I really like it when people post pictures. Which is why my whole journal became pictures - I was bboring myself to death with words about daily life, but I never get bored taking pictures and sharing them with my friends.
Happy Solstice, everyone. :)
-- Anonymous, December 21, 1999
I like to see a few pictures especially when (say) someone's talking about something like remodeling their bathroom, and then shows us pictures of just what they're up against. But at home I have a slow modem connection and lots of pictures make the whole thing take forever to load. So I never get hooked on ones with lots of pictures.also, I think there's a quality issue - some journalists load up with tons of pictures of anything they can scan or point their camera at, but those pictures don't add much to the journal, and sometimes substitute for the entertaining writing I'm looking for.
-- Anonymous, December 21, 1999
I have found out my absolute favorites now that I have no time online at home.Kymm of The Mighty Kymm Mary of Easy Writer Beth of Bad Hair Days Lynda of {parenthesis}
Everyone else is a catch as catch can catch up during time off.
Those are the only ones that I check for regular updates. If I am on a notify list, I check it when they update. Either that or whenever I dig through all the unread email and find the notify. I am on MANY such lists.
-- Anonymous, December 22, 1999