A simple question

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Will the power grid in the United States go down on January 1? Yes or no.

-- someone (someone@somewhere.com), December 17, 1999


Entirely, all at once? No... Sporadically, in small areas (though larger than what we're used to), my opinion is probably yes.

-- Deb M. (vmcclell@columbus.rr.com), December 17, 1999.

Dirty electricity for months......

-- Vernon Hale (create@premiernet.net), December 17, 1999.

I don't mean to be rude but that's a fairly naive question. Or are you just trolling? There are no guarantees in life. Do some research. Prepare for what you feel is likely.

-- (rcarver@inacom.com), December 17, 1999.

Wish I knew the answer, my cyrstal ball is out of juice. Tried to buy an alternative energy source, darn, not available anymore. I think this is the mantra you will begin to hear. Along with "our computers are down", we will hear, "Darn, they don't make that part anymore" I personally, am not looking forward to this, (as much as I would prefer the opposite) I expect it. Darn near inevitable.

-- Michael (michaelteever@buffalo.com), December 17, 1999.

Only God knows. Nobody can answer that question. Yes or NO...maybe.. Take care and God Bless....

-- Patricia (earth-angel@hotbot.com), December 17, 1999.

in 13 days

-- 13 (13@13.13), December 18, 1999.

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