Possum Trot -- the 18th and 19th controls.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

This is the 18th and 19th controls. I skipped 18, but then made a big "boom" at 19.

Spike's big mistake -- drops from first place to fourth

-- Michael Eglinski (meglin@juno.com), December 16, 1999


I skipped #18 like Spike and ran a similar route, just slightly away from the edge of the first field, then within 10-20 meters of his footprints through the second field.

Looking at the red line leaving #19 it appears that Spike left the control in a different direction than I (but I don't have my map handy to check on this). I sincerely hope that the PTOC big-wigs are receptive to the idea of posting their map. I would think this is good publicity for them.

-- Mook (everett@psi.edu), December 16, 1999.

Perhaps Spike could ask Peggy how to handle such a leg as it looks very similar to the yellow leg at the last relays. Ok, maybe it was almost orange level difficulty.

-- Dan (daniel.meenehan@umb.com), December 23, 1999.

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