Whatever happened?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Whatever happened to Joseerose? I just knew you would all be wondering ( ever hopeful heh heh ). I am back after a long spell ( in byte years ). I pop in and out but mostly been offline..You know I love to make a short story long *sigh*. Im happy, healthy and hilarious (ha). I will try and get on when you are all partying or in most of your eve times which is midday here, thereabouts. Can you tell Exile is empty right now *lol* So I send forward my love to you all in this rambling rosee way. Merry Xmas HUGS..See you all soon XXX

-- Joseerose (mcounty@primus.com.au), December 16, 1999


Josee !!! i wondered where you were just as you prob. wondered where I was. well....i'm here as always, somewhere. off and on in spurts ( haha )....you take care now and we'll pass from time to time and laugh together. Miss ya.


-- bryce m. (bryce_main@europe.mccann.com), December 16, 1999.

Josee! Hi ya! Welcome back!!! See you in Exile soon!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), December 16, 1999.

hey josee! glad to know you're happy. hope to see you soon! happy holidays!

-- Medea/simplycomplex (noelle@gardener.com), December 17, 1999.

It's nice to hear from you again, Joseerose. Best wishes for the Christmas season to you..and all the best for the impending year ahead.

Yours Truly Lawsuit__

-- Lawsuit__ (mm280171@hotmail.com), December 17, 1999.

Hey Sis, Merry X-mas & a very Happy New Year 2 u. Just saw u on icq & Now ur gone. 1 more thing........I LOVE U BELLE!!!! Convey my love soon :)...JAS

-- Jasmine B (goal__@excite.com), December 18, 1999.

hey there and happy new millenium, jose.... has been too long... glad to hear you're doing well... drop me a line sometime.... all the best :))

-- CatGem (catgem@yahoo.com), December 31, 1999.

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