Kodak 240i: Communication problem with iMac

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Hi! Just purchased the Kodak 240i, and am having a hard time getting it to interface with my iMac computer. This is my first digital camera, and while I think I've exhausted every possibility, perhaps someone has had this same problem before me. What am I missing? If you know, please send an e-mail to me. Very frustrating to have some pictures and not know how to get them into my machine. T

-- Kingman Huie (dvdkingster@earthlink.net), December 13, 1999


You're definitely not the only one with this problem. I have the same problem and tried all the usual tricks. But somehow I did something and it started to work. I have scoured all the forums. Here are some tricks people have talk about. Make sure you choose the usb in the preference instead of using auto search. The other thing is trying to zap the pram and rebuild the desktop. Also try disabling the ARA server related extension ie all the modem, remote assess extensions etc. Also try USB port 2. Tell me if you can make it work and what sort of speed you're getting. go

-- kenneth lam (kenlam@ihis.cmh.on.ca), January 03, 2000.

Don't rule out the possibility of a bad USB cable. The first Dc240i I got wouldn't connect with an iBook. Using a friend's DC240 USB cable solved the problem. Since I needed to order a replacement for my first DC240i, the cable in the second one worked fine.

If you own a DC240i, have you had any problems with the flash not firing properly?

-- Ron DiNapoli (rd29@cornell.edu), January 06, 2000.

Thank You gentlemen for your responses. I had gone as far as sending the camera back to Kodak for a refund, and then buying the product again, a few days later from my Comp USA. Same result. So I decided to buy a Lexar Digital Film Reader, and solve my problem that way. It cost me $80 bucks, but doing it this way is less cumbersome than hooking the camera up to my computer. USB peripheral support on older iMacs are said to be not-quite-there-yet, so it could be something like that. My flash by the way, seems to be working pr

-- Kingman Huie (dvdkingster@earthlink.net), January 11, 2000.

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