Olympus C-2020Z: Changes from C-2000Z

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I'm getting ready to buy a digital camera and had just decided on the Olympus C-2000Z when I discovered the new C-2020Z. What enhancements does the 2020 offer, and are there any other changes (other than price) from the 2000 that may effect my purchasing decision?

Chris Porter cporter@sc.edu

-- Chris Porter (cporter@sc.edu), December 13, 1999


I had the same revelations. I was ready to buy the C-2000 and discovered the C-2020. According to the Olympus site, the 2020 allows B&W images (big deal), but also can record 60-seconds of Quick Time Video. That will be fun to play with! I'm going to wait until the price on the 2020 drops to under $700, and then I'm going to grab one.


-- MikeB (airlinestuff@yahoo.com), December 25, 1999.

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