Help : LUSENET : Planescape: Torment : One Thread

Can anybody tell me how to find "Paraod" that is mentioned in the tattoos on caracters back, If not how about some cheats im getting killed every 5 minutes here.

-- Chris Keffer (, December 11, 1999


*****SPOILER***** If you want to figure this out for yourself, don't read below.

Go to Ragpicker's square (W then N of the section outside the Mortuary) and pick a fight. Let them kill you, and you'll ressurect in the right section to find Pharod. I think you can just find the door yourself, but this is easier, and the woman you wake up next to can help you with a stomach problem . . .

-- Colin McRoberts (, December 12, 1999.

No, no....INTESTINE problem. :)

-- Rouver (, January 09, 2000.

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