Ready to Rock-n-Roll baby! : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
ok, (yelling real loud).......Everyone better be at this party! and have a glass of bubbly on me!..I'm on Y2K watch at the prison which stinks. I hope the computers don't open the gates and let all the crooks out? Anyone want to adopt a crook? hahaha. I'm missing everyone, kinda wish the room would fill up again...hope to see somone soon!Ken
-- washngo (, December 10, 1999
I can't believe I missed you again! I'm here at 12:27 a.m. taking a break from tree trimming and gift wrapping. I need some elves around here to do some of the work!!! Hopefully, I'll see you all tonight. P.S. I liked your friend. She seems to be very sweet, like you...*smiling softly*
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, December 11, 1999.
LOL wash! hope to see you too. happy holidays!
-- Medea/simplycomplex (, December 17, 1999.