Powdered butter

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

Just wondering how the Powdered Butter COOP thing is coming. If it seems that it'll be a lot longer, I've found a site that sells powdered Margarine. Please forgive me Stan...I'm getting nervous...just afraid it won't get here in time.


-- beej (beej@ppbbs.com), December 10, 1999


Beej, adventurefoods.com has powdered butter and should be able to ship fairly quickly. I've got some of it and it's excellent--can't tell it from the real thing, just add a bit of salt.

-- Old Git (anon@spamproblems.com), December 10, 1999.


I don't blame you for being nervous. Go ahead and get what you need to get. I have no idea when my hundred pounds of butter powder is coming in.

Sincerely, Stan Faryna

-- Stan Faryna (faryna@groupmail.com), December 10, 1999.

Thanks for understanding Stan. I think I'll go ahead and order some margarine powder, but I'd still like to know when your butter powder comes in. I know we'll already have a mother and grown son taking shelter and sharing food even if the utilities are ok.

Seeing how the Lord's worked in the past...I wonder at times whether all this prepping is even Y2K related or not. Suppose we have a kick-butt winter storm coming or something. I do know that I finally felt a calm come over me this past week. I know there's still a couple things I'd like to get or do yet, but know it's all in the Lord's hands. I've been asking him to let me know when enough is enough...often...rofl.

100 lbs. eh? WOW...keep me posted Stan please.


-- beej (beej@ppbbs.com), December 10, 1999.

Hi Stan....need an addy or webpage to see what you have...been a Doomer for years but unfortunatly due to vision disability I haven't been able to keep my stocks like it used to be. Have had some help over the last few months to get ready for Y2K...but even if it doesn't HTF, I'm going to keep prepping till I know I'm back to where I really want to be. BTW...do you take foodstamps??? ~L~

-- Satanta (satanta@zdnetmail.com), December 10, 1999.

Hi Beej, We ordered powdered butter from Pleasanthill Grainery. Here is the address: http://www.pleasanthillgrain.com They ship within 72 hours and are very reliable. We have had the pleasure of ordering from them and have had excellent response! Tricia

-- Tricia Mancini (TriciaM123@aol.com), December 11, 1999.

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