Batteries for C4 cube flash accessory : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

No one seems to be able to find a battery or a substitute battery for the C4. Any ideas on how to bring flash units these back to useful lif

-- Daryl Jorud (, December 04, 1999


Daryl, the Duracell PX825 battery used in C4 cube flash unit had ceased production and no longer available. But unlike camera shutter or exposure meter which need precise voltage, C4 only need 3 volt battery to trigger the flash cube. You may try stacking two or more akaline button cells, shrink wrap with heat shrink tube (from Radio Shack ) and fill the remaining space with metal, in other works, make yourself a PX825 replacement battery.

-- martin tai (, December 04, 1999.

I'm new to minox photography but I think I have a solution. I simply used two PX625 batteries stacked beside each other vertically as shown on the flash. They are a tight slip fit in width but one must make a clip or any other void filling material to prevent them from moving up. You must also connect the terminal on the upper right inside the battery compartment to the side of the battery pack. I bent a heavy wire to do both jobs.

-- Tim ODonnell (, December 07, 1999.

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